She was the first female kung fu star — name above title, said J. Hoberman, a longtime movie critic who now writes about video for The New York Times.
她是第一位女性功夫明星——想当初,她可是相当大牌,资深影评人、目前在为《纽约时报》(The New York Times)撰写DVD影评的J•霍伯曼(J. Hoberman)说。
He has fond memories of seeing Ms Mao’s movies on triple bills at Times Square grindhouse theaters in the 1970s.
他还保留着上世纪70年代的美好记忆:他猫在时代广场(Times Square)的磨坊戏院里,观看三场连放的由茅瑛主演的影片。
She basically had one act, which was going from an obedient character to a machine-like avenger, he added.
A lot of people saw her films as feminist statements the same way as Pam Grier films.
很多人都觉得她的电影和帕姆•格利尔(Pam Grier)的电影一样,是女性主义者的宣言。
Ms Mao’s career coincided with the over-the-top, often impolitic exploitation era in film.
The narrator for an American trailer of her 1972 film Hapkido declares: Watch out for the pigtail that whips you up and wipes you out.
… Lady Kung Fu: the unbreakable China Doll who gives you the licking of your life.
She was born Mao Ching Ying in 1950 and grew up in Taiwan, the third of eight children, to a family of entertainers for the Peking Opera House.
Like her siblings, she started training for the opera at a young age, taking voice lessons when she was 5.
She also studied martial arts, specifically hapkido, rising to the level of black belt — a prowess that later distinguished her from other action stars, who merely choreographed their fight scenes.
In her 20s, she moved to Hong Kong, where a thriving film industry was based, but she was hardly romantic about it.
To be honest, the money was just better in movies, she said.
I had to support my family.
Most of the money I made I gave to them.
This is the Chinese tradition.
Leading female roles were rare in Hong Kong at the time.
Mr Meyers, the fan who met with Ms Mao at Lincoln Center, is the author of Films of Fury, a comprehensive history of the kung fu movie genre.
在林肯中心见到了茅瑛本人的影迷迈尔斯,是《狂怒电影》(Films of Fury)一书的作者,该书全面记录了功夫类电影的发展史。
Ms Mao, he said, was the first woman to star in her own action films without having to defer to a male star.
Men ran things, he explained.
Hong Kong had lots of machismo then.
Women were considered ‘jade vases.’ They didn’t speak on screen.
They were considered decoration.
When asked about this epithet, Ms Mao snapped, I was never anybody’s ‘jade vase.’
She shifted in her seat.
Moments later, she dispatched her son to tend to a customer she noticed from the corner of her eye.