Having an erection is natural, so when that ability is lost, it’s a sign that something has gone wrong.
勃起是自然的事情,因此当这种能力丧失时,这种迹象表明身体出毛病了 。
Men may find it difficult or impossible to achieve an erection when the nerves have been damaged by a radical prostatectomy or spinal cord injury. Performance anxiety can trigger erectile dysfunction in a young man.
当前列腺切除术或脊髓损伤造成神经损伤时,男人可能很难或不可能达到勃起 。在年轻人中,这种焦虑会引起勃起功能障碍 。
But when a man in his 40s or older gradually begins having difficulty achieving an erection, the underlying cause is nearly always cardiovascular disease or diabetes mellitus.
然而当一个男人40岁或更大时,逐步开始有勃起困难,根本原因差不多总是心血管疾病或糖尿病引起的 。
Few men consider erectile dysfunction good news. However, in these cases, making certain lifestyle changes can lower the risk of heart attack and stroke and may restore potency, as well. The sooner these modifications are made, the higher the chance normal sexual function can be restored.
没有男性认为勃起功能障碍是好事 。然而,在这种情况下,改变生活方式可以降低心脏病和中风的风险,也可能恢复雄风 。越早改变生活方式,恢复正常性功能机会更大 。
First Signs of Trouble
When a man does not get regular checkups, erectile dysfunction may be the first indication he has cardiovascular disease or diabetes. In both diseases, fatty plaques build up in the arteries, interfering with blood flow. Plaques that slow blood flow to the heart can cause a heart attack. When the brain or neck arteries are affected, a stroke can occur. When the arteries of the penis become narrowed, erectile dysfunction happens.
当一个人没有定期检查时, 勃起功能障碍可能是他有心血管疾病或糖尿病的是第一个迹象 。在这两种疾病中,脂质斑块积聚在动脉里,干扰血液流动 。斑块减缓血液流向心脏会引起心脏病发作 。当影响到大脑或颈部动脉时,中风就会发生 。当阴茎的血管狭窄时就会发生勃起功能障碍 。
As soon as a man begins experiencing erectile dysfunction, he should see a primary care physician.
一旦一个人开始出现勃起功能障碍,他应该首先看保健医生 。
The doctor will perform a cardiovascular workup to assess factors that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease—blood pressure, blood lipids, blood sugar, weight and smoking status.
医生将履行一个心血管的检查来评估心血管疾病增加的风险,例如血压、血糖、体重和吸烟状况 。
Depending on the findings, medications and lifestyle changes may be needed to lower the risk of heart attack and stroke. While lifestyle changes alone may not be sufficient to restore potency, they are likely to increase the chance that first-line medications for erectile dysfunction will work.
根据研究结果, 降低心脏病和中风的风险可能需要药物和生活方式的改变 。虽然单一的生活方式改变可能不足以治愈,但先进行药物治疗可能会增加治愈勃起功能障碍的机会 。