3.Put more Garlic in your Diet.
Anecdotally we all know that a Mediterranean diet is healthy for us. Mediterranean diets are high in products like olive oil and garlic.
As a result many medical studies have tried to establish whether or not garlic can play a role in reducing blood pressure.
Meta-analysis of these studies has shown that it does seem to have some effect in reducing blood pressure.
The trials showed that garlic supplements, when taken once a day over a period of months, can lower high blood pressure when compared with the results of people taking placebo pills.
What the research has not done is compare the effectiveness of garlic compared with traditional medications nor has there been research into whether the supplements are effective long term or what dosage gives the optimum results.
While we would not advise you to bin your prescription and start popping garlic supplements instead it would certainly not harm your health if you were to go to the chemists to buy some garlic supplements and/or use more garlic in your in your diet.
2.Chew on Lavender
You know lavender – that beautiful purple plant that, if you are lucky enough to live in the right area brings heavenly aromas (and beautiful butterflies) to your garden.
If you have lavender you will know exactly how delicate the smell is and how much pleasure it can bring. It turns out, however, that lavender is more than just ornamental.
Originally grown for its scent and use in perfumes Lavender has been used for centuries to help people relax, balance their moods and to cure insomnia.
European medicine women and monks from Roman times onwards were aware of the benefits lavender could bring.
Lavender plants were strewn amongst the floor rushes in bedrooms to help people sleep and lavender was used as a herb in cooking and as an ingredient in teas and tisanes.
More recently studies have been undertaken to try to place our understanding of the potential benefits of lavender on a scientific footing.
One study gave people lavender oil to smell and recorded their responses both unconscious (such as blood pressure, heart rate etc) and their conscious responses such as their mood. The effect of lavender on the brain was also recorded through the use of EEGs.
Compared with the placebo oil (sweet almond) the test subjects reported that they felt happier and more relaxed when they sniffed lavender oil. Recordings also showed a drop in blood pressure and heart rate readings.
We are not suggesting that you replace all the fragrances you wear and in your home and car with lavender (you will get sick of the smell) but you might benefit from carrying a bottle of Lavender essential oil with you to dab on a handkerchief or tissue to sniff at times when you are feeling particularly stressed.
You might also want to research recipes that use lavender and perhaps drink a cup of lavender tea at bedtime every day (lavender mixes particularly well with green tea).
If you enjoy massage you should also consider switching to a lavender based massage oil.
1.Quit Smoking
This one should be a a no-brainer; however almost 20% of people between 45-64 smoke and 9% over 65 are still smoking.
Any guesses why the percentage is cut in half after age 65? I bet it's not because those people finally got the courage to quit. Nope. They dead. Drop the cancer sticks.
Not only are they proven to give you cancer but smoking raises your blood pressure and heart rate, narrows your arteries and hardens their walls, and makes your blood more likely to clot.
It stresses your heart and sets you up for a heart attack or stroke.
So there you have it – our top 10 natural ways to reduce your blood pressure without resorting to medication.
Of course if your doctor has prescribed tablets you should continue to take them and to attend your regular blood pressure monitoring sessions. They are important for your health!