Markets in Asia were trading lower on Wednesday morning, as investors reacted to early results and predictions for the United States elections, which showed gains for Donald J.
周三,美国大选初步结果及预测信息显示,唐纳德•J•特朗普(Donald J.
Trump in crucial states.
Stocks in Tokyo, Hong Kong and other major markets were down by more than 1 percent as of midmorning, after shares in Tokyo initially opened higher.
In some cases, early trading seesawed, tracking live election returns for battleground states like Florida.
We’ve seen reactions to swings back and forth from Hillary to Donald, Stephen Innes, a senior currency trader at Oanda in Singapore, said in a phone interview, referring to the nominees, Hillary Clinton and Mr Trump.
我们已经看到了市场在希拉里和唐纳德你追我赶之际作出的反应,万达(Oanda)驻新加坡资深外汇交易员斯蒂芬•英尼斯(Stephen Innes)接受电话采访时说,他提到的是希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)和唐纳德•特朗普这两位候选人。
The Japanese yen and Mexican peso in particular were weakening significantly in Asian trading, he said, whenever live election results from Florida showed gains for Mr Trump, the Republican nominee.
However, Mr Innes added that overall volumes were light, suggesting that many investors were taking a wait-and-see approach until results became clearer.
Traders aren’t taking on an ultimate amount of risk at the moment and are waiting for the dust to actually settle, he said.
The lack of liquidity is amplifying these moves.
The mixed reaction in early trading on Wednesday followed a spell when investors around the world appeared to have been on edge over the United States election.
In recent weeks, in tune with what appeared to be the improving fortunes of Mr Trump, the markets took on a darker tone as retail investors pulled money out of equity funds and institutional players unloaded some of their riskier investments such as high-yield bonds.
Last week, for example, investors pulled $3 billion out of junk bond exchange-traded funds, the largest weekly outflow all year.