日期:2016-11-07 10:19



Around the world, many people start their day with a cup of coffee, a cappuccino, or an espresso. At the same time, there are many people with various thyroid conditions who rely on synthetic thyroid hormone replacement medication like levothyroxine (i.e., Synthroid) to treat their hypothyroidism. And following doctor's instructions, most of those people take their thyroid pills in the morning.
在世界各地,很多人都以一杯咖啡、卡布奇诺或浓缩咖啡开始他们的一天,与此同时,有很多依靠合成甲状腺激素替代药物如左旋甲状腺素来治疗甲状腺衰退的不同甲状腺状况的人 (例如左甲状腺素)UoXSV-;[3yX9s。遵照医嘱,大部分的人都在早上服用甲状腺药物&O6gbnM3kR


The Problem With Coffee and Thyroid Medication.jpg


There is a problem, however, when coffee drinkers take their prescription thyroid medication along with their morning coffee or espresso. Several studies have found that having coffee or espresso at the same time—or shortly after—taking levothyroxine tablets can significantly lower the absorption of the thyroid medication.
In one study published in the journal Thyroid, researchers found the rise of T4—a reflection of absorption of the medication—reduced by 25 percent, and they even noticed drops by as much as 57 percent in other patients in the study. Overall, theThyroid journal study showed that the reduction typically ranged from 23 percent to as much as 55 percent.
Consistently, researchers have found that for patients taking levothyroxine tablets, absorption is affected by drinking coffee and espresso within an hour of taking the thyroid drugs. The ability to reach targeted thyroid levels is impaired if a thyroid patient does not wait 60 minutes after taking the levothyroxine before drinking coffee or espresso.
研究人员一致认为,服用左旋甲状腺素片的病人, 服用甲状腺药物一小时内饮用咖啡和浓缩咖啡,会影响药物吸收]hq(glv|Fh^%+jrFB28a。如果甲状腺病人在喝咖啡或浓咖啡之后没有等60分钟,就服用左旋甲状腺素片,达到预期甲状腺水平的能力会受影响hd+,#3T^kUUY,
