Indian boss gives 1,260 cars, 400 flats and jewellery as Diwali bonus to staff
A diamond tycoon in India has once again given away hundreds of cars and flats to his employees as a bonus for meeting company targets.
Savjibhai Dholakia, who runs a diamond export firm in the booming west coast city of Surat, announced his company would give 1,260 cars, 400 flats and pieces of jewellery to his employees ahead of the Hindu festival of Diwali which falls on the weekend.
Savjibhai Dholakia是繁荣的西海岸城市苏特拉的一名钻石出口商,他宣布公司将在周末的印度教排灯节来临前给员工提供1260辆汽车,400套公寓以及大量珠宝。
“Our aim is that each employee must have his own home and car in the next five years. So we have decided to gift cars, homes and jewellery to employees,” Dholakia, owner of the Hare Krishna Exports, told Agence France-Presse.
“我们的目标是每个员工在未来5年内能拥有自己的房子和汽车。所以我们决定将汽车,房子以及珠宝作为礼物送给员工,”他对法新社说,该公司名字叫做Hare Krishna Exports。
He said the rewards were in recognition of the outstanding performance and dedication shown by employees in the last five years.
The company would spend an estimated 500m rupees ($7m) under the loyalty programme to reward an unknown number of staff from a total workforce of 5,500.