It was also part of the King's attitude to life that it regarded games, parties and gossip to be natural pleasures, and assumed that clever people would still enjoy ordinary things.
Although King's had only gradually moved away from its original role as a sister foundation to Eton, there were among its dons those who made a positive effort to encourage candidates who did not come from public schools and tried to make them feel at home.
There was great emphasis on the mixing between dons and undergraduates in what was a small college, with less than sixty students in each year.
No other college was like this, and so Alan Turing gradually woke up to the fact that by chance he had arrived in a unique environment, which was as much his element as any institution could be.
It corroborated what he always knew, which was that his duty was to think for himself.
The match was not perfect, for a number of reasons, but it was still a great stroke of fortune.
At Trinity he would have been a lonelier figure;
Trinity also inherited the moral autonomy, but without the personal intimacy that King's encouraged.