Data services
Established in 1874 and Europe’s second-biggest maker of central heating boilers, Vaillant has 12,000 employees — a third of whom work in the service side of the business in jobs such as maintenance and repair.
An increasing proportion of the 2m boilers it manufactures each year are equipped with communications systems to allow machines or people to monitor their operation from afar.
Carsten Voigtländer, chief executive, says this means Vaillant can think about new forms of service based on big data.
该公司首席执行官卡斯滕.福格特伦德(Carsten Voigtländer)表示,这意味着Vaillant能够考虑基于大数据的新型服务。
The company is working out how to assimilate and analyse the huge amount of data generated from boilers, and then use it to build new sources of revenue.
We can provide consumers with ways to control their appliances better than in the past and at the same time analyse factors such as energy use, says Mr Voigtländer.
Philipp Leutiger of the Munich consultancy Roland Berger says Vaillant is typical of Mittelstand businesses.
慕尼黑咨询公司罗兰贝格(Roland Berger)的菲利普.洛伊蒂格尔(Philipp Leutiger)说,Vaillant的做法对于德国中小型企业是典型的。
Just as many are now in hardware niches, he says some will carve out service niches, based often on their own proprietary software.
Connected tools
Knipex makes pliers — producing more than 12m pairs a year in 800 different types, nearly all of which are made in the company’s Wuppertal headquarters, which employs 1,000 people.
Ralf Putsch, chief executive, says his 134-year-old company’s strategy mixes anything from new forms of alloys to improved ways to control the device to create leverage.
首席执行官拉尔夫.普奇(Ralf Putsch)说,这家拥有134年历史的企业运用了从新式合金到改进工具操控方式等各种策略,以创建竞争优势。
Mr Putsch emphasises using his company’s in house-built forging and grinding machines.
I don’t see how we can be innovative and different if we rely on production methods open to everyone, he says.
One approach, developed by a subsidiary in eastern Germany, involves connecting pliers to a computer so technical experts in safety-critical industries, such as aerospace electricians, can monitor the forces being applied.
His company has spent EURO200,000 researching the technology.
Gathering inspiration from a recent trip to Silicon Valley he says: It’s important to create a receptive environment for new thinking.