日期:2016-10-28 09:39


Now they are squaring up to the technological challenge.


Mid-sized companies globally are making progress on the internet of things in manufacturing.


In Japan, excavator maker Komatsu runs factories that receive data from diggers in use by customers to improve efficiency and reliability.


At Swedish industrial group Sandvik, sensor technology is monitoring remote equipment from offshore drill rigs to rock crushing machines.


But most experts believe German midsized companies, with a history of innovation and decades of experience, are ahead.


Hermann Simon, a Bonn-based consultant who has studied the Mittelstand for 30 years, says in this group Industrie 4.0 is  . . . taken very seriously.

在波恩工作的顾问赫尔曼.西蒙(Hermann Simon)研究德国中小型企业达30年,他表示,这些企业非常严肃地对待……工业4.0。

Ailke Heidemann, of the Stuttgart office of Boston Consulting Group, says Mittelstand companies with backgrounds in mechanical engineering are working urgently to bring on to their payrolls the experts they need in digitisation and data.

波士顿咨询集团(BCG)斯图加特办公室的艾克.海德曼(Ailke Heidemann)表示,拥有机械工程背景的德国中小型企业正加紧招募它们需要的数字化和数据领域专家。

Here are three examples of Mittelstand businesses — each family-owned and more than a century old — approaching a new era for industry.


Digital farming


At Claas, Mr Kriszun says the company’s 300 software engineers, out of a global workforce of more than 11,000, are its most important employees.


We are seeing many opportunities [in electronics and software] that weren’t available five years ago, he says.


The company has spent EURO2m on developing ways to automatically transmit information via satellite networks from the harvesters operating in fields to farmers or grain experts thousands of kilometres away, bringing to farms the sort of continual remote monitoring that is routine in many factories.


It has produced an app for smartphones that operators of combine harvesters can use to help control machines or learn to do this better — and even leave them to operate alone.


Mr Kriszun points out that the 103-year old company is used to change.


We’ve had to adapt a lot, so [in taking up the new digital ideas] we’re not really doing anything that new.

