Disney's upcoming 2018 live-action retelling of Mulan, the traditional Chinese story of a young girl who takes her father's place in war, is being hit with criticism on social media after a speculative screenplay was leaked online.
The information, posted anonymously on the website Angry Asian Man, revealed that the new Disney movie would not focus on Mulan's own journey to protect her family.
Instead, the proposed remake would feature a white male European sailor who saved the young heroine and conquered her heart.
Criticism went viral after American actor Joel de la Fuente, known for his role in The Happening, supported the allegations in a Twitter post.
Mulan fans used the hashtag #MakeMulanRight to complain about how the possible script would whitewash Asian culture.
Just hours after that report surfaced, Disney shot down those rumors, confirming that all of the primary roles in this remake will be Chinese characters.