The silver-haired gentleman in the perfectly tailored dark suit made a sweeping gesture and gave me a wistful smile.
It was right here, he said.
He pointed to a particular spot on the floor.
That is where she stood.
If he was alive in 1952 he was a very little boy, but every guide I speak to at the Palazzo Colonna in Rome knows and reveres the spot where she stood.
如果他是在1952年之前出生的,那一年他肯定也只是个小男孩,但是我在罗马科隆纳宫(Palazzo Colonna)遇到的每个导游都知道她站立的那个地方,并且对之满怀敬意。
Roman Holiday was the first American film to be shot in its entirety in Italy, and she was Audrey Hepburn in her first film role, playing a princess on the lam who spends one glorious day in Rome with a journalist who figures he has the scoop of his career.
《罗马假日》(Roman Holiday)是第一部完全在意大利拍摄的美国电影,而她则是奥黛丽•赫本(Audrey Hepburn)饰演的第一个电影角色,一位出逃的公主,在罗马同一个觉得自己挖到了毕生最大独家新闻的记者度过了美好的一天。
Gregory Peck was the journalist; it didn’t take long for the scoop to turn into a brief romance.
饰演记者的是格利高里•派克(Gregory Peck);要不了多久,挖新闻就变成了一段短暂的罗曼史。
Roman Holiday was released in 1953, not 1952, but in context the guide is correct: She stood there in 1952, when the film was shot.
I walked over to stand where Ms Hepburn did in the film’s final scene, as the princess prepared to bid farewell to Rome, to Mr Peck, and to a room full of real journalists drafted to fill out the press conference — and although I have been a moviegoer since I was a child, I was not prepared for how delighted I would be to be exactly there, surrounded by make-believe memories.
This was my first visit to Rome, and I faced my own time constraints.
Too many friends said that it was impossible to see Rome in the three days I had, but things worked out pretty well for Princess Ann, so I decided to go where she did.
She had one day, a knowledgeable guide in Mr Peck’s Joe Bradley, and the use of a Vespa; I had three days on foot.
她有一天时间、一个像派克饰演的乔•布拉德利(Joe Bradley)那样博学多才的向导,以及一辆伟士牌(Vespa)机车;我则有三天时间,需要步行。
Much of what they saw was hundreds if not thousands of years old, so it would be right where they left it.
Joe Bradley was looking for great copy and photo ops, while the princess, by her own admission, wanted to have fun — and maybe a little excitement, and I liked their itinerary, with its mix of ruins, food, window-shopping and dancing.
The Palazzo was surely the most formal of the film’s locations.
I vowed to include as well the Castel Sant’Angelo, the backdrop for the wackiest scene in the film, a melee that involved music under the stars, the princess using a guitar in self-defense, an unplanned late-night swim and, this being Hollywood, a glimpse of fleeting love.
我决心一定要去,还有圣天使堡(Castel Sant’Angelo),片中最奇异的一幕就是以它为背景,那是一团大混战:星光下放着音乐,公主用吉他当武器保护自己,计划之外的深夜游泳,还有好莱坞免不了的短暂爱情。
I watched the film again before I left, consulted the website imdb.com for local information, and mapped the rest of my visit.
The Arch of Septimus Severus and the Temple of Saturn
塞维鲁凯旋门(The Arch of Septimus Severus)与萨图尔诺农神庙(Temple of Saturn)
Princess Ann fled her country’s embassy after yet another night of reviewing the next day’s schedule and a bedtime snack of milk and crackers.
She escaped in the back of a truck, and Joe Bradley found her half-asleep on a low wall in front of the arch.
To the right, the eight remaining pillars of the Temple of Saturn, built in 476 B.C.
This location is at the northwest end of the Roman Forum, for those who come here to look at the ruins — which the princess and the journalist did not.
提醒一下想来这里参观遗迹的人,这个地方位于古罗马广场(Roman Forum)的西北角。
But I had time and daylight on my side, so I lingered to consider the vast scale of the Forum.
Yes, I leaned against the very wall where Ms Hepburn pretended to slumber; not quite as good as being discovered by Mr Peck, but it would have to do.
The Colosseum
圆形大剧场(The Colosseum)
In the days before computer-generated images, real men tore each other apart, and this is where they did it.
The largest amphitheater in the world had just a few strategically placed tourists in it when a guide explained its 2,000-year history to Princess Ann and Joe.
Times have changed: Occasionally the admissions lines grind to a halt because no more than 3,000 visitors can enter the Colosseum at any one time.
But do not be dissuaded.
I expected a quick stroll and then the real-life equivalent of a jump cut to the next scene, but the more I walked, the more I wanted to walk, to try to grasp the graceful enormity of this violent place.
Piazza della Rotonda, the Pantheon
If you were a princess in 1953, you ordered Champagne for lunch.
But the G.
Rocca cafe by the Pantheon is no more.
Now there are two less glamorous but satisfying options: L’Antica Salumeria at Piazza della Rotonda 4 greets the hungry at the door with free samples of porchetta, and inside serves an array of sandwiches and antipasti.
现在有两个选择,虽然相对没那么富有魅力,但也足以令人满意:罗通达广场(Piazza della Rotonda)4号的L’Antica Salumeria在门前用免费试吃的猪肉卷来欢迎饥肠辘辘的游客,屋内还有许多种三明治与开胃菜。
Just off the opposite side of the square, at Tazza d’Oro, Via degli Orfani 84, you can get the signature granita di caffè con panna, sweetened coffee frozen to a granular slush and topped with whipped cream.
广场的另一头是Via degli Orfani 84号的金杯咖啡馆(Tazza d’Oro),那里可以买到招牌的奶油冰咖啡,这是一种冻成冰泥的甜咖啡,顶上是鲜奶油霜。
Ann paid no attention to the hulking Pantheon.
I think that’s why I embraced her tour; sitting at a sidewalk cafe, watching the world go by, is a great way to experience a city.
The Spanish Steps
西班牙阶梯(The Spanish Steps)
This is where Joe found Ann eating a chocolate gelato she bought from a cart at the base of the steps, in the Piazza di Spagna.
在西班牙广场(Piazza di Spagna),乔发现安妮正在吃从台阶底端的冰淇淋车买来的巧克力冰淇淋。
She lied and said that she had run away from school, and he offered to help her plan her day of fun and excitement.
The sweeping 135-step stairway, built between 1723 and 1725, links the Piazza di Spagna with the Piazza Trinità dei Monti at the top.
这段漫长的135级台阶是在1723年到1725年间建造的,把西班牙广场和阶梯顶端的山上天主圣三教堂(Piazza Trinità dei Monti)连在一起。
And while you can purchase a selfie stick from any one of a dozen vendors, there was no gelato cart.
Palazzo Colonna
科隆纳宫(Palazzo Colonna)
The director William Wyler shot Roman Holiday in black and white to save money, so the most startling thing about the great hall in Palazzo Colonna is that it’s saturated with color, the walls covered in paintings.
为了省钱,导演威廉•惠勒(William Wyler)把《罗马假日》拍成了黑白片,所以科隆纳宫大厅最让我震撼的就是它充满了色彩,四壁都挂着油画。
It is one of the oldest and biggest private palaces in Rome; construction got underway in the 14th century and went on for five centuries, and members of the family still live here.
Art lovers pack the Saturday tours — English language at noon.
Or you can wander without a guide on that day only from 9 in the morning to 1:15 in the afternoon.
This is where the story ends.
The princess realized that Joe was a journalist and the two recited the kind of coded but passionate dialogue that only they — and the film’s audience — understood.