Daughter Finds Kidney for Her Dad Through Facebook Page
When Michigan resident Jeff Charters and his family received the news that it may take five years to get a kidney transplant through the waitlist, his daughter took matters into her own hands.
当密歇根居民Jeff Charters和他的家人听说等待匹配合适肾脏,至少需要五年时,他女儿决定为挽救老爸生命亲自出马
Kim Charters decided to try Facebook to find the organ that her dad desperately needed after he entered into stage five kidney failure in the spring.
Kim Charters打算借助Facebook寻找老爸急需的肾脏
Kim created the Facebook page titled "Find Jeff Charters a Kidney," in April, in hopes of finding someone willing to donate.
Kim在四月建了一个叫做“为Jeff Charters寻找肾脏”的facebook主页,希望能找到愿意捐肾的人
"I had hopes. I knew I was going to try to find someone eventually some way," Kim told InsideEdition.com. "Facebook was my first resort. The day I made the page I had a lot of feedback so I stuck with that."
Little did Kim know that one girl that sent her a message on that first day, a previous high school classmate, would end up being the donor for her father.
Rachael Milks offered to get tested and a few weeks later it turned up she was a match.
Rachael Milks经过几番检查,几周后得出结果——和Kim老爸配型成功
"I was hoping and praying. It's difficult to find 100 percent match," Jeff said.
“我满心期待,也一直在祈祷,要知道找到100%合适的配型相当不易,” Jeff说
Kim was in Hawaii when Rachael told her and Kim figured a phone call for the big news was too casual, so she thought of a more creative way to tell her dad his life was about to change.
She bought a post card and wrote a poem on the back with the good news, and on her return she gave her dad the card in the airport.
"We were waiting for her at the terminal to come. She came out and we gave her hugs and she said ‘by the way she said I got you something'," Jeff said. "I'm reading it and it took me a couple of minutes for it to hit me, but when it did I just dropped I was balling."
After just six weeks on the waitlist Jeff had a donor, and by August he was being wheeled into surgery with Rachael, who he didn't meet until operation day.
With a good luck hug between the two, they went into their surgeries, which were both successful.
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