A few weeks ago, I celebrated the big 3-0 and it was quite the fanfare. Complete with hiking, biking, eating my weight in onion rings, a Beyonce concert, and even getting a brand new tattoo. Leading up to it, so many friends asked me how I was doing with it, presuming turning 30 was a hard thing to deal with. In my mind, I was excited. Birthdays are awesome and my husband usually plans all my favorite things—what's there to be sad about?
几周前,我庆祝了30岁生日,场面相当热闹 。我完成了远足、骑自行车、吃洋葱圈、听碧昂斯的音乐会、甚至纹了新纹身 。很多朋友为了做好30岁到来的准备,纷纷问我30岁如何,她们觉得转眼30是件难应对的事 。在我心里,我对进入30岁而激动不已 。生日聚会办的很出色,老公又筹划了我最喜欢的东西——有什么可伤心的呢?
But I get it. For some, turing 30 is a milestone that slows things down a bit. Fewer crazy nights with the girlfriends. Most likely, a mortgage to worry about and a few butts to wipe besides your own. More gray hairs and wrinkles to be found. Etc. But in all honesty, I am super pumped to be thirty. Here's why...
但我懂 。对有些人来说,30岁是里程碑阶段,一些东西会慢慢减缓 。与闺蜜们一起疯的夜晚会变少 。更有可能,还要担心按揭和给别人擦屁股 。会长出更多的白发和皱纹 。但说实话,我非常喜欢进入30岁 。下面就是原因:
1. I finally know a little bit about self maintenance. Like, I know how I like my hair—both the color and the style. I know which lipsticks look good and I have some sense about how to do my eyebrows. If I had a nickel for every minute I spent trying to figure this stuff out in my 20s, I'd be rich!
1. 我终于对自我保养有所了解 。比我,我知道我很喜欢自己的头发——发色、发型都喜欢 。我知道抹哪种口红好看,我也知道如何画眉 。如果20多岁我每一次想搞清楚这些问题就能得到五分镍币,那我现在就是富婆啦!
2. I'm more grateful for what I have. I've spent a decade working hard to build a life that means something. I've also seen the fragility of life, making me all the more grateful for who I am and what I have.
2. 对于拥有的,我更怀感恩之心 。整整10年我都努力工作,才终于有了我想要的生活 。我也见证过生命中的脆弱,这也使我对我是谁以及我拥有什么更加感激 。
3. I no longer need approval from others. Seriously. If I want to eat four donuts for breakfast, I will. The peer pressure that somehow lingers after college has finally vanished!
3. 我再也不需要得到他人的同意 。说真的 。如果我早饭想吃四个甜甜圈,我就可以吃 。大学后仍然残留的那种压力终于消失了 。
4. I know my limits. I know when to push harder and when to take a time out. I know how to say "no" and when to speak up for myself. And when things start to get crazy, I know how to manage my anxiety and stress in a way that is healthy for me and my family.
4. 我知道我的底线 。我知道该何时努把力,何时该出去潇洒 。我知道该如何说不,以及何时为自己说话 。而当事情开始有点糟糕的时候,我知道如何控制自己的焦虑、压力,而且这种控制方法对我对我的家人而言都是健康的 。