Thanks to Samsung's exploding Galaxy Note 7 smartphone that forced the giant South Korean company to recall the handset just weeks after it went on sale, we're all more aware than ever that smartphone batteries can explode.
三星Galaxy Note7智能手机的爆炸事件,迫使韩国公司手机开售没几周便下令召回问题手机。此次事件也引起了我们对智能手机电池爆炸的空前关注。
There are plenty of reasons why it happens. In the case of the Galaxy Note 7, a manufacturing flaw was responsible. Battery age and physical damage can also result in batteries blowing up and phones catching fire.
关于电池爆炸的原因有很多。制造过程中的缺陷是造成Galaxy Note7爆炸的主要原因。电池的老化和物理性损伤也会造成电池爆炸甚至手机失火。
The iPhone isn't spared either. In a matter of days, we saw an iPhone 7 explode, an iPhone 7 Plus's battery bulge up without causing a fire, and an iPhone 6 Plus going up in flames during class.
苹果手机也未能幸免。在短短的几天里,我们就看到了iPhone7爆炸、iPhone7 Plus电池膨胀--幸好没着火,还有一个直接在教室冒火的iPhone6 Plus。
A reader told Phone Arena that he was out with some friends when all of a sudden his iPhone 6s caught on fire.
一位读者向Phone Arena的记者透露,他和朋友们一起出去的时候,他的iPhone 6S突然就起火了。
The phone was sitting in his back pocket, burned through his jeans and caused second-degree burns on the left side of his body and on his left index finger.
The person was treated in the emergency room, according to his claims.
The iPhone apparently exploded after business hours, so he contacted Apple about it the next day. He is hoping that Apple replaces his phone, Phone Arena says.
The blurry image above shows the remains of the handset. The iPhone appears to be torn apart, but that's about everything one can say about it since it's completely unclear from the photo what happened to the phone. It's also unclear what caused the explosion at this time.
An investigation will surely follow, as Apple will want to know why the phone allegedly exploded.