Apples contain high amounts of fiber and natural sugars that breakdown slowly in the body, releasing a steady stream of glucose into the bloodstream and providing the body with a consistent source of energy. Research showed that apples improve neurological health because they contain quercetin, one of two compounds found to reduce inflammation of neurons. Another study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease connected the consumption of apple juice to an increase in an important neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, which has been found to improve the memories in mice with symptoms of dementia.
苹果含有大量的纤维和天然糖分,这会在体内缓慢分解,源源不断的释放葡萄糖流入到血液内,为身体提供一股稳定的能源 。研究表明:苹果能够改善神经系统的健康,因为苹果含有槲皮素,这是研究中发现的能够减少神经元炎症的两种化合物之一 。《老年痴呆症杂志》刊登的另一项研究认为喝苹果汁能增加一种重要的神经递质——乙酰胆碱,已被证明能提升患有痴呆症老鼠的记忆力 。
In a study funded by the Hass Avocado Board, avocados were found to improve lutein levels in the brain, which is related to improved cognition. The avocado’s mono-saturated fats also benefit the information-carrying nerves in the brain.
哈斯牛油果董事会资助的一项研究发现:牛油果能提升大脑中的叶黄素含量,从而提升认知能力 。牛油果中的单个不饱和脂肪也有利于大脑中传递信息的神经 。
Although not a food per se, the first meal of the morning — whether it’s eggs, oatmeal, or yogurt — is important for short-term memory recall. Numerous studies have shown that students who eat breakfast perform better on tests than their peers and are able to focus longer.
虽然不是食物本身,但早晨的第一餐——不管是鸡蛋、燕麦还是酸奶——都对回忆短期记忆至关重要 。许多研究都表明吃早餐的学生考试成绩比他们的同学要优异,而且注意力也更集中 。
Kale, spinach, and turnip greens are rich in folate, which has been found to keep the brain functioning at full speed. Research showed that individuals with low levels of folate, also known as folic acid or vitamin B9, in their bodies had a higher chance of developing depression. Depression alters the brain’s chemicals and can be inherently energy-draining.
甘蓝、菠菜和萝卜青都富含叶酸,研究表明叶酸能够使大脑保持全速运转 。研究发现,叶酸(也叫作维他命B9)含量低的人,他们更有可能患有抑郁症 。抑郁症会改变大脑的化学物质,导致能量流失 。
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not the caffeine in green tea that keeps people alert and focused — it’s the amino acid L-theanine. Images from human electroencephalograph (EEG) studies support that L-theanine has direct impacts on the brain— calming the mind without making it sleepy.
与人们一般的想法相反,绿茶让人全神贯注而又机智敏锐并不是因为绿茶含有咖啡因,而是因为绿茶含有茶氨酸 。人类脑电图研究的图像也表明茶氨酸对大脑有直接影响——在不使人犯困的情况下,能够使大脑恢复平静 。
Chewing (not swallowing) gum will help fight off drowsiness. A study conducted using a small sampling of undergraduate students showed that the simple motion of chewing kept them more alert than not chewing at all.
嚼口香糖(不是吞)会帮助你赶走困意 。研究员对少数大学生进行了一项研究,结果表明相比不嚼口香糖的同学来说,嚼口香糖的同学们更加机智灵敏 。
Salmon is a legitimate superfood. DHA, or docosahexaenoic acid, a long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid prominent in fatty fish like salmon, has been linked to improved cognitive functioning.
三文鱼是真正的超级食物 。脑黄金或二十二碳六烯酸是一种长链多不饱和脂肪酸,三文鱼等富含脂肪的鱼类就含有脑黄金 。脑黄金能提升人们的认知功能 。