日期:2016-09-28 10:53


Data theft may be an increasingly common occurrence on the internet.


But even in these desensitised times, few breaches can match the one revealed by Yahoo on Thursday, when it announced the theft of personal information belonging to 500m users dating from 2014.


The sheer scale of the infraction begs a host of questions about the company’s management and whether it took enough care of its customers’ personal data.


It also raises questions about public disclosure and issues over the future, or at least the price, of Yahoo’s $4.8bn sale to Verizon.


In recent years, there has been a rising number of cyber breaches affecting companies and millions of users.


What is both striking and unnerving about the Yahoo case is that it went apparently undetected for two years.


The company’s claim that no high-value information such as credit card data were extracted is a cold comfort, and one that does nothing to excuse Yahoo for its failure to notice the cyber incursion.


Nor is it enough for the company to claim that the fact its attackers were state sponsored absolves them from spotting the tracks.


The idea that the hackers were somehow invisible is anyway belied by Yahoo’s own account of how the breach was uncovered.


It instigated deeper security checks after a quantity of data popped up for sale for $1,800 on the so-called dark web and was reported by the technology publication, Vice Motherboard.

在所谓暗网上突然冒出大量以1800美元的价格出售的数据并被科技杂志《Vice Motherboard》报道之后,雅虎展开了更深层次的安全检查。

These procedures appear to have revealed the looting that the company now admits took place.


This sequence of events raises serious questions about Yahoo’s management and whether it took the security of its customer data sufficiently seriously.


Before 2014, security experts claim the company was still using outdated and vulnerable encryption systems.


For a company which then had 1bn users on its network, this suggests an uncomfortably lax security culture.


Given the scale and wealth of the Yahoo organisation, lack of resources cannot be seen in any way as an excuse.


No less concerning is the company’s behaviour in the wake of the discovery of the breach.


Marissa Mayer, its chief executive, was made aware in July that a breach was being investigated but it is unclear precisely when Yahoo became aware of the scale of the problem.

雅虎首席执行官玛丽萨•迈耶(Marissa Mayer)在今年7月被告知,雅虎正在调查一起黑客入侵事件,但目前并不清楚,雅虎是何时知晓问题的严重程度的。

In early September, however, the company declared in a securities filing that it had no knowledge of any incidents of security breaches, unauthorised access or unauthorised use of its systems.


Its merger partner Verizon will no doubt be interested to learn more about what exactly the company knew when it delivered those words.


This week’s disclosures do little for Yahoo’s already diminished reputation.


Its future must now be in jeopardy, as could the Verizon deal.


But the repercussions may well go beyond Yahoo.


With many users having the same passwords on multiple platforms, consumers are justifiably worried that the data breach might lead to their accounts at other sites being compromised.


If a company whose business is at the very heart of the world wide web has insufficient security, what other sites and services may be similarly vulnerable.


Regulators need to stress both the importance of vigilance and of the speed with which companies disclose breaches so that systemic weaknesses can be avoided.


Officials in the UK and Ireland, where Yahoo has its European headquarters, have already asked the US technology group to supply more details about the cyber attack.


Yahoo is the victim of a serious crime.


But the lessons will go far beyond the company.

