Global film powerhouse Sony Pictures Entertainment has partnered with Chinese property-to-movies group Dalian Wanda to co-invest in films as well as distribute across Wanda’s broad network of cinemas, the two companies said.
全球电影巨擘索尼影视娱乐公司(Sony Pictures Entertainment)和中国由地产转型电影的集团大连万达(Dalian Wanda)表示,两家公司已携手合作,以便共同投资电影制作,并通过万达分布广泛的院线网络开展电影发行。
Wanda, which began life as a real estate investor in the port city of Dalian, makes a point of embedding large, US-style cinemas as well as an anchor chain stores such as Walmart in its property developments across China.
The move has given it an enviable role in blockbuster ticket sales in China and spurred its investment in overseas cinemas and a sprawling production studio in northern Shandong province.
The latest deal, described as a strategic alliance that will include equity co-financing in some cases follows Wanda’s purchase of AMC, the US cinema chain, and Legendary Pictures, the producer of Godzilla and Warcraft
这一最新协议被称为在某些情况下将包括股权融资合作的战略结盟。该协议出台之前,万达曾收购美国电影院线AMC,以及电影《哥斯拉》(Godzilla)和《魔兽》(Warcraft)的制作商传奇影业(Legendary Pictures)。
Hollywood has rapidly engaged in business tie-ups with Chinese companies in an effort to build a global audience as cinema attendance is eroded by customers’ preference for streaming movies.
The result is a parade of action and fantasy blockbusters designed to appeal to China’s audience of younger men.
China’s box office revenues gained 48 per cent from a year earlier to $7.1bn last year, while box office growth in North America was limited to 7 per cent at $11.1bn.
In a further sign of its growing global ambitions in cinema, Wanda last month agreed with IMAX to build 150 screens across China in the next six years.
Sony Pictures distributes its films in China through China Film Co and Huaxia Film Distribution — two of the state-owned gatekeepers that control the quotas for foreign films distributed in the country.
索尼影业在中国的电影发行是通过中国电影股份有限公司(China Film Co)和华夏电影发行有限公司(Huaxia Film Distribution)实施的,这两家国有门户企业控制着外国电影在华发行的配额。
For Sony’s Hollywood arm, a partnership with Wanda is expected to give it more flexibility to tap into China’s tightly controlled market with its growth dependent on expanding the global reach of its films.