1. "Did you eat? Are you hungry?Did you want two bagels stacked with spreads on spreads on spreads," my mom will ask you when you visit. And twenty minutes after you've walked in. And again an hour later. The correct answer is always "yes" and the correct follow-up question is "This must be your mother's recipe, right?"
1. “你吃了吗?你饿吗?你想要吃堆在一起的百吉饼吗,”我妈会在你来我家的时候这样问你 。来我家20分钟后我妈还会问一遍 。再一小时后也会如此 。正确的答案总是“我饿了”,随后应该问的问题就是“这一定是阿姨的独家秘方吧?”
2. You call that thing from the supermarket a bagel? More like a nay-gel. A bagel is an experience. A privilege. Your scooped-out bread ball with low-fat cream cheese is offensive to me. Please know I'm going to bitch my way through anything that's not large and smelly in the best way possible.
2. 你把超市里的那个东西称作百吉饼?更像是个不吉饼吧 。一个百吉饼就是一种体验 。一种荣幸 。你所说的是低脂奶酪面包球,我觉得我受到了冒犯 。请先了解:我一定会一路上都对不大又难闻的任何东西叨叨不休的 。
3. There's a big difference between cheap and frugal, bro. And if you want to make jokes about how Jews are cheap, (1) I'm going to assume you're kind of an asshat who laughs at all kinds of rude things and (2) you're not the kind of person I want to date anyway.
3. 兄弟,便宜和节俭是有很大区别的好嘛!如果你打算对犹太人如何购买便宜的东西做文章讲笑话,那我猜你要么就是那种笑话所有粗鲁无礼之事的人,要么就是那种我不愿意与之约会的对象 。
4. She wants to talk to her mom that much. You might not want to talk to my mom that much, but if you want to ride with me, you're going to have to. Jewish girls love their mothers. Mothers are their families. Families are really important to Jewish people, they just are.
4. 她就是喜欢和她妈妈说那么多话 。也许你不想和我妈说那么多话,但如果你想和我在一起,那么你就必须要忍受我这一点 。犹太女孩儿很爱自己的母亲 。母亲是她们的家人啊!而家人对犹太人是非常重要的,没有理由,就是很重要 。
5. Even if you never met before you started dating, she probably knows at least two people in your life. It's called Jewish geography and it's the world's greatest ice breaker. It's a result of years of killing it on the bar mitzvah, camp, and college. You wanna party but won't know anyone there? Worried about your potentially awkward upcoming work dinner? Bring me along. I gotchu.
5. 即使约会前你们从没见过,但她可能已至少了解与你相关的两个人了 。这就叫做犹太地理,这也是世界上最棒的破冰者 。这是因为多年来实行的犹太成年礼、训练营和大学的缘故 。你想参加派对,却不认识参加派对的人?为下班后可能尴尬的晚餐而担忧?带上我吧,我罩着你 。
6. Your camp was probably great and all but it wasn't nearly as great as her camp. Seriously, there was never a better summer on the planet than Lake Year '07 with my 36 best friends. Though you may be astounded by how many ways things that happened this year can be related back to the summer of 2007, remember my fondness for camp is rooted in my unbreakable fondness for tradition and my love of all things family.
6. 你的露营之旅很棒,但却不如她的 。说真的,没有什么夏令营能好过我与36个闺蜜在07年参加的湖边夏令营了 。也许你会感到很惊讶:今年发生的这些事情怎么能让她联想到07年发生的事情呢?切记:我对夏令营的喜爱根植于我对传统牢不可破的喜爱,也根植于我对家庭的喜爱 。