Woman volunteering in refugee camp finds love
Carly Harris isn't sure what she expected to get out of volunteering in a refugee camp in Greece — but she definitely wasn't expecting a boyfriend.
Carly Harris没预想过自己在希腊难民营会收获什么,但活捉一男朋友从来不在她计划当中
The University of Utah senior was traveling with her cousin in December when she saw a video on social media of the conditions of the camp in Greece.
They tried to contact the groups organizing the camp, called Camp Moria, but never heard back.
"We showed up in Greece with no plan," she says. "We just went to the camp and asked where we could help. They said, 'right here,' so we dropped our bags and worked, for almost a month."
Camp Moria is notoriously overcrowded. Formerly a military barracks with a capacity of 700 people, it housed nearly 2,000 a night when Harris was there in December.
Volunteers would help people out of the freezing water, give them blankets and put them on a bus to Camp Moria. There, Harris's job was to give the drenched men, women and children hot tea and dry clothes.
One day, a young man in line told her she had beautiful eyes. She thanked him, but thought nothing of it. Lots of the young men in the camp would flirt harmlessly with female volunteers.
But he kept coming back. She learned his name was Soufiane El Yassami. He was from Morocco, which is not one of the countries from whom Greece accepts refugees.
El Yassami was part of a wave of hopeful yet misguided North Africans who believed Europe's borders were opening and traveled there in search of a better life. Despite spending thousands of euros and risking their lives to float across the Mediterranean, they arrived in Lesbos as immigrants, not refugees.
El Yassami是那批满怀希望却被误导的北非难民之一,他们还以为欧洲的边界开放着,在那里能过的更好
She is Mormon, and he is Muslim. She still has a year of school left at University of Utah. And she was a volunteer at the camp where he was seeking help. So, on one of her last days in the camp, when he asked if he could kiss her, she said no.
Harris是摩门教徒,El Yassami是穆斯林
She left feeling that she had done the right thing.
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