For beauty aficionados, the look is never complete without that finishing touch.
And this fall, that touch is a bold lip.
As US makeup artist Danessa Myricks explains on The Lady Loves Couture fashion blog: After an effortless season of summer, women crave the return of drama... So now it’s time to up the ante... and the answer is lipstick.
就像美国化妆师Danessa Myricks在时尚博客The Lady Loves Couture上所解释的那样:告别了简单的夏日妆容,女性渴望一些戏剧性元素的回归...是时候来个升级版了...而答案就在于唇膏。
From various colors to special functions, lipstick has truly reached a point of no limit this season.
Read on as we compile fall 2016’s hottest lipstick color trends for those who dare to be different in the coming weeks and beyond.
Black is back
Black lipsticks are no longer just for Halloween.
Paired with a minimal base and lashings of mascara, a black lip can evoke a modern and glamorous look, according to Jess Hall of The London School of Media Make Up.
Christian Dior, Marc Jacobs and Rihanna’s Fenty X Puma collection all showcase this noir trend on the runway.
克里斯汀•迪奥、马克•雅各布以及蕾哈娜的Fenty X Puma系列都体现出了这日渐兴盛的黑色狂潮。
But to avoid looking like a spook, Hall recommends that fashion lovers keep their base and eye makeup simple.
To take your lips to the next level, try lining and filling them with a matte black eyeliner to increase the longevity of that blackened pout, as well as to showcase your bolder look and to prevent any feathering or bleeding.
So very berry
Beauty often goes full circle–just as you think berry lips, which dominated the runways of two years ago, are so out of date; they are back with a vengeance.
These lips will be everywhere this season, US makeup artist Samantha Manuzak tells Bustle.
这样的唇妆在今季随处可见,美国化妆师Samantha Manuzak向Bustle网表示。
And they go well with all skin tones too.
One is never too fair or too deep to pull off a gorgeous berry, Myricks wrote on The Lady Loves Couture.
人们绝不会因为肤色太亮或太暗而卸掉迷人的果色系唇妆,Myricks在博客The Lady Loves Couture 上写道。
To draw a perfect berry lip, Manuzak offers some tips: Drag down short vertical lines from your liner toward your mouth.
Use your finger to smudge the lines downward toward your mouth until they disappear for a blended soft look.
Bare nude beauty
Vivid souls may choose black and berry lips, leaving the more conservative among us to stick to less-bold choices, but that doesn’t mean understated people can’t get some of the attention too.
According to US fashion blogger Marjorie Harvey, now’s the time for the natural shade of nude to shine through.
美国时尚博主Marjorie Harvey认为,自然裸色系唇妆大放光彩的时候到了。
Brands such as Gucci, Bobbie Brown, and Maybelline are all showcasing nude tones in their shows.
And the quintessential nude pout in peach has been a hallmark of many red carpet appearances this season, including pop star Queen Bey herself, according to Jose Rivera, a makeup artist from Benefit Cosmetics.
而来自贝玲妃的化妆师Jose Rivera则表示,经典的桃色裸妆已成为今季红毯妆的一大标志,受到包括流行天后碧昂斯在内的许多明星青睐。
Because nude is so driven by complexion, the key is choosing the right shade.
Harvey suggests people to go with the color that resembles their skin tone, but a tad bit warmer.