2016中国企业500强榜单发布 营收首现负增长
日期:2016-09-04 13:18


China Enterprise Confederation and China Enterprise Directors Association unveiled the 2016 edition of the Top 500 Chinese Enterprises list last Saturday, based on revenues from 2015.
Among the top 500 firms, 155 reported declines in revenues in 2015, 61 more than a year ago, with many of them representing the overcapacity-plagued coal, steel, oil and chemicals industries.

2016中国企业500强榜单发布 营收首现负增长

The State Grid grabbed the top spot with 2.07 trillion yuan in revenue, with oil giants China National Petroleum Corp. and Sinopec ranking second and third.
Haitong Securities, GF Securities and China Galaxy Securities entered the list for the first time as a bull stock market boosted their revenues.
Revenues of the top 500 enterprises totaled 59.46 trillion yuan last year, down 0.07% from the previous year, according to the list. This is the first decline in combined revenues of China's top 500 firms in 15 years.
The service sector contributed 40.5 percent of the revenues, outperforming the manufacturing sector, at 39.2 percent, for the first time.
Cui Dianguo, chairman of train maker CRRC Corp., said large companies should speed up overseas expansion to create a global value chain.

  • globaladj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的
  • petroleumn. 石油
  • previousadj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的
  • stockn. 存货,储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜 adj
  • expansionn. 扩大,膨胀,扩充
  • galaxyn. 银河,一群显赫之人
  • declinen. 衰微,跌落; 晚年 v. 降低,婉谢
  • enterprisen. 企业,事业,谋划,进取心
  • associationn. 联合,结合,交往,协会,社团,联想
  • securitiesn. 有价证券;担保;保证人;抵押物(security的