Long working hours are a way of life in China, no matter what the industry.
According to one estimate by a researcher at Beijing Normal University, Chinese workers log an average of 2,000-2,200 working hours each year – far higher than their counterparts in the United States (1,790 hours per year), the Netherlands (1,419), Germany (1,371) and even Japan (1,719), according to OECD statistics.
Wu, who works in the business and sales team, frequently logs long hours, from 9.30am to 9.30pm. But Wu isn’t complaining.
"Everyone wants to finish their work before leaving the office,” Wu says. “People work hard to create their own value. We have a lot of things to do but we don’t have that many employees, so everyone is wearing several hats.”
In one video that went viral this summer, an amateur Shanghai choir devoted a tongue-in-cheek song to their status as “overtime dogs” – a slang term for white-collar workers – entitled “My Body Is Hollowed Out.”
"Who needs sleep? What a waste of time!” they sing. “Who needs to eat when PowerPoint is my sustenance?”
The workplace culture in China’s start-up scene is even more demanding than in Silicon Valley, says Gary Rieschel, the US co-founder of Qiming Venture Partners.
One reason for this, he says, is that for many tech start-ups in China, their business models are not based on a unique idea, but one derived from somewhere else, either another start-up in China or one in the US.
This leaves them only two ways to compete—on cost and speed. “And when you’re competing on low cost and speed, there’s really only one culture to be successful, and that’s a 24-7, 365 (day) culture.”
For many young tech workers, there’s also no semblance of work-life balance: the job is their life. Many relocate to cities where they don’t have family or friends so they’d rather stay late at the office to make extra money and socialise with colleagues.
"It’s not about working, this is part of their lifestyle. They don’t want to go home, they just want to stay there.”
Young people in China today don’t care as much as previous generations about joining a big, established company where they’re jobs are stable but their impact might be marginal. They’re more drawn to the thrill of a start-up, building something from scratch.
And, for that, an 60- to 70-hour work week might be the biggest trade-off.