Few issues in financial policy are more controversial than the impact of blockchain, the distributed ledger technology that sits behind the digital currency bitcoin. Does it threaten not only the profits of financial intermediaries but also their business models?
Could it undermine the control that central bankers exert over global payments and securities processing? Or is it a tool to streamline cluttered processes, improve resilience and enhance transparency?
The case for change is clear. Even if the dangerous experiment of negative interest rates proves to be shorter lived than many fear, banks’ need for more operating leverage will remain in a modest growth economy.
The key to cutting costs? Harnessing technology to improve productivity.
Enter blockchain . It offers the promise of a unique shared database across multiple sites and geographies as a public ledger of all transactions.
Broad-based adoption could take as long as a decade, as issues such as scalability and standards have yet to be resolved.
And while there is a great deal of hype surrounding the technology, there are also several misconceptions.
For the more radical proponents of blockchain, a distributed ledger means a peer-to-peer system, eliminating the need for middlemen.
But neither banks nor policymakers take the idea of an “unpermissioned” network seriously, principally because of anti-money laundering and “know your customer” (KYC) rules. This of course raises the issue of who will be in charge.
不过,银行和政策制定者都没有认真考虑过建立“无许可”网络的想法,主要是由于反洗钱和“了解你的客户”(know your customer,KYC)的规则。这无疑会带来由谁负责的问题。
Another claim often made is that blockchain can eliminate existing infrastructure. But its scalability has not yet been tested and firms cannot risk trillions of dollars of daily fund flows on an unproven system. Blockchain will need to be able to be plugged into existing technology to be usable and affordable. This is more evolution than revolution.
What does this mean for policymakers? Christopher Giancarlo, a commissioner at the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission, has argued that in order for blockchain technology to develop, regulators must take a “do no harm” approach. He is right.
对于政策制定者来说,这意味着什么?美国商品期货交易委员会(Commodity Futures Trading Commission)委员克里斯托弗•詹卡洛(Christopher Giancarlo)主张,要让区块链技术得到发展,监管者必须采取“不伤害”姿态。他说得对。
Regulators should be agnostic about new technology, but there are some practical steps they could take in order to encourage blockchain innovation.
A recent Morgan Stanley report outlined ten potential obstacles to making blockchain a reality in banking.
摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)近期一份报告列出了银行业采用区块链技术的十个潜在障碍。
Overcoming half of them would require collaboration with public authorities. The adoption of blockchain hinges on regulation, most of which is still to be written.
First, regulators need to work with innovators on areas such as digital identity, smart contracts, tokenisation, privacy and data ownership.
Second, legal issues need to be addressed. For instance, who is responsible in a decentralised system?
Who has jurisdiction when a network is spread over a large number of regions and companies? How will existing regulations be adapted to new technologies and business models?
More broadly, shared services are likely to be central to the next decade of banking. Regulation will play a critical role in supporting this shift.
A healthy financial system will require more mutualisation of costs, given that multiple rules are a disincentive to consolidation. These include areas such as KYC, which are particularly difficult to manage given differing legal interpretations.
Blockchain may bring about dramatic change. And if it does, there will be losers, as floor traders found out to their cost when securities exchanges went through a technological disruption of their own. This, however, did not spell the end of all intermediaries.
Rather, it reinvigorated the winners, who are able to manage volumes several orders of magnitude higher than before at a fraction of the cost, and with greater functionality for investors.
The blockchain revolution, if it happens, could prove to be just as important to customers.