Schoolgirl killed herself after putting 'racially offensive picture' online and fearing backlash
A teenage girl took her own life after posting an offensive image online and fearing she could be accused of racism as a result, a coroner’s court has heard.
Phoebe Connop, 16, was found dead at her home in Halesowen in the West Midlands on 7 July. An inquest into her death at Black Country Coroner’s Court heard that prior to her death, she had posted a photo in a group message among friends which she had altered to show herself with dark skin. The teenager had recently begun dating an Asian man and joked that she would have to look like the girl in the photo to get his family’s approval, The Daily Mail reports.
今年16岁的Phoebe Connop,于7月7日被发现死于西米德兰兹郡的家中
One of the members of the group chat shared the image online and Phoebe feared she may face a backlash and accusations of racism due to the insensitive image.
The inquest heard that she was working with her father during the summer holidays to earn some pocket money when she said she was feeling unwell one day and asked to be taken home. When Mr Connop returned to the family later in the evening, he found her dead body.
Detective Sergeant Katherine Tomkins told the inquest: “From speaking to her friends in the weeks following her death, we discovered that the image had circulated further than she wanted it to.
侦缉警官Katherine Tomkins告诉陪审团:“从她跟朋友聊天那时起到她自杀的几周内,那个图片比她想象的传播还快
“There had been some negative reaction and she confided in her friend, who did take the image down at her request, that she was scared of what the reaction might be from the Asian community in her area.”
Tributes have been paid to the teenager who was described as a talented gymnast who dreamed of being a midwife.
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