日期:2016-08-29 10:35



The millennial dating app scene could make a true cynic out of anyone, which is why the idea of finding your perfect match feels more nauseating the older (and more single) you feel. Here, we asked some big questions of sociologist Dr. Pepper Schwartz-AARP's resident sex and relationship expert and the author of 16 books on sex, relationships, and even love myths. She discusses the problematic idea of love at first sight, having unrealistic expectations of a partner, and how to maintain a good relationship with any human being you're currently dating, flaws and all (we're all ears).
千禧年的约会软件能让任何人看起来都玩世不恭,这也是人们越老(或单身越久)就觉得找到完美的另一半就越感到恶心的原因s*98B-zP3fiDF。社会学家Pepper Schwartz博士是AARP的常驻性情感专家,同时也出版了16本书籍;dI%jMnM%9.+8;;3fVRm。本文中,我们问了Pepper Schwartz博士一些有关性、情感甚至是爱情神话的重大问题T)-[~=v0v|f(HFfc。她也谈及了一见钟情、对伴侣有不切实际的期待等有争议的问题以及如何与正在约会的对象保持良好的情感关系,爱我的一切吧(我们都在全神贯注的听呢)G[bpwEsk+|TW
Marie Claire: What would you say to people who believe in love at first sight?




Dr. Pepper Schwartz: I'd say that it's often true that people are attracted to each other immediately, but it's just as true for those relationships to end up a disaster. But people don't think of that as false love-at-first-sight. They highlight the examples that worked rather than the ones that failed.
Pepper Schwartz博士:我想说,人们立马就被彼此吸引是种正常现象,但这些人的感情最终以灾难结尾收场同样也很正常=ykEMxCRToTJ0B。但人们却不会认为这是一种错误的一见钟情_HoZMLycG,LDz+@PeOI9。他们会强调那些一见钟情后在一起的情侣如何如何,而避而不谈那些失败的例子^EN*jGrMbN8[TA6&=0
Ultimately, there are qualities people are drawn to: The way somebody's eyes sparkle, the way they dress. I think people who say "love at first sight" don't realise all the information they're taking in that they're not coding.
The way a person's dress shows their social class. The way they look often shows their background. The way they stand shows their attitude. That information can amount to attraction, but it's not like there's a one-and-only, as if you saw them and everything was guaranteed thereafter.
Your partner is just a human being. They can't fulfil it all.
MC: Can you expound on that idea of there not being one perfect match for everyone?
PS: Well, look at all the people who get divorced. Some of them experienced "love at first sight." But there is not just one perfect person. With justification you can say "my prince" or "my queen" and "I found her right away," but those people were just dumb lucky. You can feel like something is real and your partner is "the one" and then all the other details come out, and things change.
Pepper Schwartz博士:额,看看那些离婚了的夫妻吧Ff*^cSC5XTC。有些人就有过“一见钟情”S6LthhT)8#。但他/她就不是命中注定的那个人H_dAa2z[m+X,03YCv。如果理由充分的话,你可以说“我的王子”或“我的公主”以及“我一眼就找到她/他了,”但这些人只是运气好罢了64wDi9lBgNfHgP8Ww。你可以感受到有些事情是真实的,你的伴侣就是“命中注定的”,然后你又会注意到其它的细节,事情就发生了改变ocKVP_j6VviWMgr


