3.You are a smoker
If you find that you cannot give up on your nicotine habit you may notice that, over the years, you start to snore.
Perhaps only a little at first but more and more as the years go by. Sadly smoking, although pleasant and pleasurable for the smoker, is deeply unhealthy on a number of levels.
The more a person smokes the more they irritate the lining of their airways, this can cause the flow of air into the body to suffer from turbulence.
This turbulence will, in turn, cause the soft tissues to vibrate which causes snoring.
In case you think this is just another 'stop smoking' guilt trip, studies have shown that smoking increases the likelihood that you will snore by more than two times.
Sadly, it is not just smokers who need to worry about the impact of their vice on their breathing.
The dangers of passive smoking have long been understood and it appears that exposure to second hand smoke can increase the risk of snoring.
If you enjoy your cigarettes but have noticed that you or your partner has already started to snore, you may need to think very seriously about quitting.
Giving up on your cigarettes will not fix the scarring to the airways and resolve the problems overnight but it will help make you healthier and, over time, your snoring should reduce.
Quitting an addictive substance such as nicotine is difficult but the benefits are substantial.
2.You are sick
Sometimes even non habitual snorers can start to sound like a motorcycle at night. This can often happen if they come down with something like a bad virus or the flu, both of which cause nasal congestion and other breathing difficulties.
If you have read the earlier parts of this article you will know that snoring happens when airflow is impeded and that is exactly what happens when you have a blocked up nose.
If such an attack of snoring only happens every now and then you probably have very little to be worried about.
If, however, you start to snore every time you get a little congested then you may well develop a chronic snoring problem later in life as some of the other factors on this page start to take hold – when you put on weight or have to take certain medication, for example.
In the short term, the best thing you can do to prevent sickness related snoring is to take the necessary medication to resolve the illness as quickly as possible.
Be sure to drink lots of clear fluids to help prevent the buildup of mucous blockages and make sure that you get plenty of Vitamin C to stave off a further illness.
1.You have sleep apnea
Sometimes snoring is not just snoring it is a symptom of a potentially dangerous problem known as sleep apnea. This is a condition where your breathing during sleep is interrupted and you do not get enough oxygen to your system.
Basically sleep apnea causes the sufferer's breathing to stop and start. There are two separate types know as obstructive and central.
Obstructive sleep apnea happens if the sufferer's throat muscles relax too much and obstruct the airway, the obstruction causes loud uneven snores which then stop when the breathing ceases and start up again louder than ever when the person is able to take a breath once again.
Central sleep apnea by contrast is caused by a failure of the sufferer's brain to send the correct signals to the body to cause it to breathe and can often come about as a side effect of heart or stroke problems.
Many sufferers are unaware that they have sleep apnea and may wonder why they feel tired when they are getting a full night's sleep. The answer is, of course, that they never reach a truly deep, restorative sleep because they keep waking up momentarily as their breathing is interrupted.
Sometimes the first time someone becomes aware that they might be suffering from sleep apnea is when a frustrated and sleep deprived partner insists that they visit the doctor.
Obstructive sleep apnea may be exacerbated by many of the causes on this list. Sufferers are best advised to avoid drinking a lot of alcohol or smoking and should aim to lose weight.
For some people this will be enough to stop the snoring. Others might require a breathing machine called CPAP which is worn over the mouth and nose and provides a continuous supply of slightly pressured air through the night – the pressure is just enough to stop the airway collapsing.
Other mechanical alternatives are available if this is not suitable for you and, if those fail a doctor may suggest surgery to reshape the soft tissue in your throat. Treatment for central sleep apnea varies and depends to a great extent on the cause behind it.