奥运场上的阴盛阳衰 当女性获得更多奖牌
日期:2016-08-26 14:31


The success of women in Olympic sports can be tied to the opportunities available in their home countries. Women won more total medals than men in 29 countries that participated in the 2016 Rio Games and at least one other Summer Olympics.


Each line below represents total medals won, excluding mixed team events.


American men won more medals than American women for much of the history of the Olympics, but that gap began to narrow in the 1980s.

在奥运会历史上,很多情况下美国男性运动员摘得的奖牌比女性多,但这种差距在80年代开始缩小。再往前推十年的1972年,联邦政府通过了那项被称为《第九条》(Title IX)的教育法修正案,准许女性平等地参加体育运动。

A decade before, in 1972, the federal government had granted women equal access to sports through the education amendment known as Title IX. Women surpassed men in the Summer Games medal count for the first time at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.


In China, that feat came 20 years earlier. Women in China have performed better than men in their events at the Olympics since 1988, bringing home about 10 more medals each time.


Jamaica, a country with fewer than three million people, experienced the emergence of male and female superstars in track and field in 2008: Usain Bolt and Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce.

2008年,人口不足300万的牙买加经历了男性和女性田径超级明星的诞生:尤塞恩•博尔特(Usain Bolt)和谢莉-安•弗雷泽-普赖斯(Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce)。

Although the country’s female athletes won more medals than men at the Rio Games, Bolt received far more attention.


Mónica Puig earned Puerto Rico its first Olympic gold medal by winning the women’s singles tennis final. She was also the only athlete of the 40 representing Puerto Rico to win a medal this year.

在网球女单决赛中胜出的莫妮卡•普格(Mónica Puig)为波多黎各赢得了首枚奥运金牌。她也是今年代表波多黎各参赛的40名运动员中唯一一个获得奖牌的。

The number of events that women are allowed to compete in is controlled by the International Olympic Committee and various sport federations.

允许女性参与角逐的赛事数量,由国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee)和各种各样的体育协会控制。

Women first appeared at the Olympics in 1900; they competed in five sports. Other sports were added slowly, and the gap did not begin to shrink drastically until the 1990s.


In 1991, the I.O.C. decided that potential new Olympic sports must include events for women. Five years later, it revised the Olympic Charter to express the committee’s responsibility “to encourage and support the promotion of women in sport.”

1991年,国际奥委会决定,潜在的新奥运会运动必须包含面向女性的项目。五年后,为了表达其“鼓励并支持推动妇女”参与体育运动的职责,国际奥委会修订了《奥林匹克宪章》(Olympic Charter)。
