The Clinton Foundation has taken a step in the right direction with its decision to restructure its operations and refuse foreign and corporate donations if Hillary Clinton wins the US presidential election.
克林顿基金会(Clinton Foundation)向正确方向迈出了一步——该基金会决定,如果希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)赢得美国总统大选,便会对业务进行重组,并且拒绝外国及企业捐赠。
But while the move will help ease nagging questions over conflict of interest, it does not go far enough.
Since its creation in 1997 by Bill Clinton, the foundation has raised more than $2bn and supported worthwhile causes including fighting climate change, disease, childhood obesity and discrimination against women.
克林顿基金会自1997年由比尔•克林顿(Bill Clinton)创立以来,已经筹集了20多亿美元,用于支持多项意义重大的事业,包括应对气候变化、预防疾病、预防儿童肥胖症以及反对性别歧视。
Yet its critics point to blurred roles and responsibilities,
notably when foreign politicians and business leaders (sometimes with questionable human rights records) offer donations to the foundation and hold meetings with senior US officials including Mrs Clinton when she was secretary of state.
The organisation seems at times to be a platform for Mr Clinton’s continued influence and a way to promote the political ambitions of his wife and possibly Chelsea, his daughter, who also sits on the board with long-time supporters.
克林顿基金会有时看起来像是克林顿持续发挥影响力的平台,或是帮助其妻子——也可能包括女儿切尔西•克林顿(Chelsea Clinton)——实现政治抱负的渠道。切尔西也是该基金会董事会成员,而且拥有不少长期的支持者。
Some of its projects have come under fire.
Its showcase Clinton Global Initiative, for example, has faced questions for offering a high-profile public forum for some donors who make “pledges” that are more public relations stunts than genuine programmes.
例如,其形象项目克林顿全球倡议(Clinton Global Initiative)受到的质疑是,其为一些做出“承诺”的捐赠者提供高规格的公共论坛,但这些“承诺”更多是公关噱头,而非真正的项目。
Some attacks on the foundation, however, are unfair, or at least excessive in comparison to the conflicts inherent in the interplay of commercial interests and political influence of some of the Clintons’ opponents.
The foundation’s willingness to publish details of donors has left it more exposed to scrutiny than other organisations that merit as much attention.
Although it benefits from tax advantages and does not disburse much to other organisations, this simply reflects its approach of using its own staff to meet its objectives.
The foundation has spun out groups such as the Clinton Health Access Initiative, which has done important work in providing experts to help lower-income countries negotiate medicine prices and improve their health systems.
该基金会还设立了一些机构,如“克林顿健康倡议组织”(Clinton Health Access Initiative),后者在提供专家帮助低收入国家谈判药品价格以及改善卫生体制方面做了重要的工作。
Mr Clinton is a significant asset. He has the contacts, stature, command of detail and willingness to influence opinion and policy to meet the social objectives of the foundation.
Yet, therein lies the problem: there is always a risk that he combines commercial and political objectives with the more socially oriented ones.
Mr Clinton would do well to emulate a model adopted by Jimmy Carter, another former US president.
克林顿最好参照另一位美国前总统吉米•卡特(Jimmy Carter)采用的模式。
Mr Carter travels the world in pursuit of his objectives around peacebuilding and tackling disease, notably seeking to eradicate the scourge of guinea worm, which is close to being achieved.
But there is no suggestion that Mr Carter has an agenda other than to achieve his stated goals and no confusion over the purpose of the money he raises.
The Clinton Foundation need not be wound up. But as long as the Clinton family has political ambitions, it needs to break the link with donors whose influence and motives may be mixed.
That requires an overhaul of governance. Mr Clinton is the dynamo behind the organisation and gives generously of his time. But he and his family should step down from the foundation’s board now.
Given that most funding is external, they should appoint more outsiders without longstanding personal links as directors, with a mandate to oversee its activities.