日期:2016-08-22 10:22



1. He asks about how your friend Becky is doing after her breakup. Him caring about your friends and asking about them later not only shows that he's a caring person, but he's invested in your life and the people in it.
1. 你的好朋友贝基分手后,他会表示关心tIH2M0E|Yp8。他对你朋友的关心以及随后询问她们的情况,不仅表明他关心他人,同时也表明他关心你的生活和朋友faPhKFhO-A
2. After he met Becky for the first time, he was like, "Do you think that went well?" You don't want to end up with a guy who's like, "I don't care if your friends hate me, they suck anyway." That's just a logistical nightmare and is surely going to end in some severed ties with people you really care about.
2. 第一次见了贝基之后,他会问你“你觉得我和你朋友的见面还顺利吗?”如果这个男生想的是“我根本不在乎你的闺蜜们是否不喜欢我,反正她们也很糟糕,”,那么你是不会想要和他在一起的^9&dFn^a6r3(@Nrek。这只是件难办之事,最后肯定会与你真正关心的人切断关系ME*2=[d(gn3p!J1-@
3. When you bring up that your boss is being rude to you at work, he doesn't sigh and roll his eyes because you're "complaining again." If he can't sit through a five-minute tirade about a lame work situation, he won't be able to sit down with you when something seriously big goes wrong.




4. He's polite to waiters and cashiers, and doesn't do that awful thing where you yell, "CHECK, PLEASE," across the restaurant. It might have been cool to date the guy who was sweet to you but an asshole to everyone else when you were 13 and bullies were kind of sexy, but that sort of relationship doesn't hold up in adulthood. Don't date a man-bully who could very well turn around and bully you if you piss him off.
5. He doesn't desert you at his friends' parties. It's OK for him to encourage you to be friendly with his friends, but it's not OK for him to have an exclusive conversation with Chad while you sit alone awkwardly on the couch.
5. 在他朋友的聚会上,他不会弃你不顾(fSq9#2STJA5FsPN=n。他鼓励你对他的朋友友好这无可厚非,但如果他和他的朋友乍得单独对话,留你一人尴尬地坐在沙发上,那样就不对了qatPV|[hZywA
6. He always offers to share the last slice of pizza with you and then doesn't say anything when you "accidentally" eat way more than half of it. If the last slice is sacred enough for Drake to rap about it in a love song, ("You could have my heart or we could share it like the last slice") then it must be a real sign of a potentially great romance.
6. 他总是愿意与你分享最后一块披萨,而当你“不小心”吃了不止一半时,他也不会说什么]lj&=+z;G)-q。如果最后一块披萨神圣到让德雷克说唱了一段情歌,(“你可以拥有我的心,或者我们可以像分享最后一块披萨一样共享”)那么这真的是浪漫的潜在标志n=P@HMttoIK&@%awDqM(


