These are the bizarre "skirts" Chinese motorists have designed to protect their cars from rats.
The troublesome rodents had been spotted inside the cars and causing serious damage by gnawing through wiring.
Now car owners in Nanning, in the Guangxi autonomous region, are using the barriers, dubbed "car maxi skirts" in China, to keep out the pests.
Mr Zhao told Nanning TV: "There are many rats in this area.
"Putting these around the cars is a good thing, and it can also prevent small children from scratching them."
He said the rodents are a particular problem in the winter when the rats seek out warm hiding places - like next to car engines.
Residents in the city have been using fabric, chicken wire and bamboo to make the "skirts".
But not all of them have proved a success with another female car owner complaining that a rat had chewed its way through her car's "skirt".
Pictures of the "skirts" have gone viral in China, with commentators bemused by the solution to the rat problem.
Others suggested local residents raise cats to kill and scare off the rats.
Although other, more cynical, Chinese joked that Guangxi locals has eaten all the cats and dogs.
The province has a reputation for eating dog and cat meat and is home to the controversial Yulin dog-eating festival.