The Olympics opening ceremony of Olympics in Rio de Janeiro marks my last day as a sixteen 16-year -old. In an audience where the middle-aged dominate, I thought I’d offer my pennies two cents on the first Olympics opening ceremony in South America.
Draped in sparkles and bright colors, messages of peace and tolerance in society shone through at the opening ceremony. It was definitely cheesy and somewhat cliché, but the message came through to the three billion people watching it around the world.
Arguably the most colorful part of the show was set to celebrate diversity.
A crowd of furry red people showed up and started dancing on the stage. I immediately screamed, “Elmo is here!” I wasn’t sure what the red people were supposed to represent. Maybe they’re flowers as part of the rainforest theme?
一群披着毛皮的红衣人出现了,开始在舞台上跳舞。我立即大喊:”艾蒙来了 !"我并不知道这些红衣人代表着什么。难道他们就是扮演热带雨林主题中的鲜花吗?
Before long, more people dressed in different colors showed up. I joked that they must be the rest of Sesame Street. As the new colors mingled with the red, I realized the performance means meant more than funny pom-poms.
The narrator explained that this performance was to celebrate diversity. This message made me happy beyond its resemblance to a puppet show. Like many other members of the youth generation, past and present, I care about social justice. This might have been a strange approach to promoting diversity, but it’s a step in the right direction. The fact that Brazil included a clear message for greater diversity in a time of political turmoil around the world gives me a bit more hope for my generation’s future.
After all, the Olympics are a place where people from countless different backgrounds gather to learn from each other and gain experiences, right? In the heat of the competition, it’s easy to forget just how much diversity the Olympic Games promote.
This year’s message is extra powerful with the creation of a new team—the refugee team. It’s ten 10 athletes come from South Sudan, Syria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Ethiopia. I’ve got to say that, witnessing their entry intoseeing them enter the arena made an issue that seemsed so distance for so many feel actually real, especially for millennials. I’ve been learning about the refugee crisis in my classrooms and conducting research for projects. But seeing the ten 10 athletes walk in under the Olympic flag and hearing everyone around me cheer for the team reminded me that this issue is real, it is happening, and people are affected by it.
今年的呐喊因为一个新的代表队而更加强烈 — — 难民代表队。它是十名来自南苏丹、 叙利亚、 民主刚果共和国和埃塞俄比亚的运动员组成的。我不得不说,目睹他们走进舞台的那一刻让一个离千禧一代遥远又陌生的议题突然一瞬间变得那么清晰,那么真切。之前我只在学校里了解难民危机和进行课题研究。但此时此刻看到十名运动员走在奥林匹克的旗帜下,听到周围所有人的欢呼声,我一遍又一遍地提醒自己,难民议题是真正在当下发生的,真实不虚的事情,关系到人们的生活。
Beyond social issues, the opening ceremony also zoomed focused in on environmentalism, granted thatas nature was a major theme. The giant screens announced facts about global warming and pollution. Before the athletes walked in, the narrator said each athlete will be planting a physical seed in Rio to create a forest. This was extremely cheesy, but hey, as long as it benefits the air we breathe, right?
除了社会议题,开幕式也聚焦在了环保议题上,假定自然是主要主题。巨大的屏幕呈现给大家全球变暖和环境污染的事实。运动员进场前,解说者说道︰ 每个运动员将在里约热内卢种下一颗树种打造出一片森林。听起来挺俗气的,但是嘿,只要它有利于我们呼吸的空气不就行了吗?
But environmentalism and air pollution was only a distant memory by the end of the opening ceremony. The show closed with a full three-minute fireworks show. The booms, swooshes, and sparks left behind dense grey smoke, hovering above the arena. I hate to be a killjoy after the pretty fireworks, but what happened to the whole environment thing?
I hope the peace and tolerance messages from this opening ceremony last longer.