美国德州通过新法 允许学生持隐蔽枪进入校园
日期:2016-08-09 18:43


A new law has come into effect in the US state of Texas that allows students to carry concealed guns on campuses.
Students aged 21 or over who have a concealed handgun permit may take guns into classrooms, under the new law.
Texas has now become one of eight US states that allows students to carry guns into college buildings.

美国德州通过新法 允许学生持隐蔽枪进入校园

Many higher education officials and students are concerned the law may discourage students from attending universities in the state. But supporters of the law argue it is "critical" to self-defence and upholding constitutional rights.
Texan Republicans say the "campus carry" law could prevent another mass shooting. They argue that deranged gunmen often target "gun-free zones" such as university campuses and cinemas because they do not meet resistance when they commit their crimes.
Some academics have argued that the law which took effect will lead to a curtailment of free speech because students with guns could create an intimidating atmosphere
