We all know Queen Elizabeth ii and her royal family are one of the wealthiest royalties the world has ever seen. These men and women of the crown ooze power and smell money. They live in expansive and magnificent palaces that only the genius of architects can conceive. Let's have a look at the golden concrete maze royals call home.
众所周知,英国女王伊丽莎白二世和她的皇室家族是世界上最富裕的皇室 。戴着皇冠的男人和女人拥有权力和金钱,住在只有天才建筑家才能设计出的奢伟宫殿里 。让我们来看看这个被称为"家"的金碧辉煌的宫殿吧 。
1.Inside the Royal Ballroom, Buckingham Palace
Have you ever seen the ballroom? Well, unless you strike friendship with the royal household, you will never set foot inside the ballroom. Designed as state of art dining area, the Ballroom has hosted a number of state banquets hosted by the queen herself. During dinners, the room as usual teems with servants and food of your choice, along with some of the most expensive wines and champagne you will ever think about.
你曾经见过宴会厅吗?好吧,除非你与皇室家族有深厚的友谊,否则你不能踏足皇室宴会厅 。这个宴会厅拥有艺术性餐厅的设计,女王在此举办了多场国家宴会 。晚餐期间,这个房间通常有许多为你服务的仆人和供你选择的食物,还提供最昂贵的葡萄酒和香槟 。
2.The Crimson Drawing Room (Windsor Castle)
On 20 Nov 1992, at around 11 AM, fire ripped through the queen's private chapel in Windsor Castle and spread undetected by the workers until smoke alarm went off. The fire, that rages for several hours destroyed priceless artifacts, paintings and drawings. By the time it was controlled, nine hours later, huge sections of the castle had been destroyed.
1992年11月20日上午11点左右,火势包围了温莎城堡内的小教堂,并蔓延到毫无察觉的工人附近,直到火警响起 。火势持续了几个小时,毁坏了无价的艺术品、油画和素描,当火势得到控制时,已是九个小时以后,城堡损毁严重 。
Days later, restoration of the landmark began in earnest with the Queen donating two million pounds. After the restoration, the destroyed Crimson room had a new face altogether. A clear memo fire has no authority over the monarchy.
几天后,地标性建筑物的修复工程在女王捐赠的2百万英镑下又如火如荼地开始了,修复后,被毁坏的深红色的客厅有了全新的面貌 。在强大的君主制下,一场火算不了什么 。
3.The State Dining Room
The state dining room features expensive and rare gallery. Equipped with the State Of Art furniture, the room is often used as a retreat for dignitaries after banquet from the Ballroom. It has also been used by the queen to record her Christmas messages. Currently, the state room is closed following fears the ceiling would collapse as a result of neglect.
国宴厅以奢华和珍稀的画廊为特色,配有艺术性强的家具,这个房间用来款待从宴会厅离开的政要 。它也被女王用来记录她的圣诞讲话 。如今,国宴厅已经关闭--因为担心天花板由于常年失修而意外坍塌 。
4.The State Couch
The royal state couch is often used but the royal family member on ceremonial occasions such as coronations or royal weddings. Built in 1762 by Samuel Butler, the carriage has seen less of action and reduced popularity among the royals today. Known for its cumbersome weight of 4 tons, she requires a pair of four horses to pull and it doesn't come cheap. At a price tag of 28M pounds, I bet she is one of themost expensive gold laden horse drawn carriages out there.
皇室家族成员通常在重要的场合乘坐皇家马车,例如加冕礼和皇室婚礼 。皇家马车由塞缪尔o巴特勒在1762年建成,如今因为不经常使用,也不那么著名了 。它重达4吨,需要四匹马来拉动,而且造价不菲,高达2800万英镑 。我敢打赌,它是最昂贵的黄金马车之一 。