Do you feel cold all the time? If so you will probably wonder why you need to be swathed in layers of clothes when your friends and family are peeling them off. The chances are that when other people come to your home they start to swelter and feel faint from the heat but when you visit your friends' homes you have to wrap yourself up in a blanket and top up on the hot drinks just to keep from feeling as though you are in an icebox.
It may seem like a pretty trivial problem but it can be annoying and can cause real issues – it is just not professional to wear your coat at your desk and hug a hot water bottle at work! So just why do you feel cold all the time? There are a number of potential reasons ranging from medical problems through to a lack of sleep. In this article we have set out the most common 10 reasons why someone might feel cold all the time, if you notice that some of these apply to you, you may want to speak with your physician who will be able to advise you on how best to handle it.
10.You Might Be Anemic
Red Blood Cells are one of the key components of our blood. Their job is to carry oxygen from the lungs through the bloodstream and to the other organs. The red blood cells are able to perform this function because they are full of a compound called hemoglobin which helps bind to oxygen temporarily. A key component of hemoglobin is iron: a lack of iron in the diet or through excessive blood loss can cause a condition known as iron deficiency anemia. It is more common in women than men, particularly women who suffer from heavy menstrual periods.
One of the key symptoms of anemia is that you feel cold. If your inability to feel comfortable at normal temperatures is fairly recent you might want to consider getting a blood test run in order to rule out problems with anemia. Once identified it is relatively easy to treat. You can take iron supplements to boost your levels up to normal relatively quickly but in order to maintain them you should aim to make changes to your diet. You should aim to eat more beef liver, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, green leafy vegetables like spinach and eggs. All of these are not only high in iron but are more efficient at delivering iron into the body than supplements.
9.You Might Be Anorexic
Anorexia is a food disorder where sufferers restrict their food intake as much as possible. Anorexics are more than just thin they are dangerously underweight and are likely to suffer from a range of problems including headaches, dry skin, problems sleeping and an inability to regulate their body temperature. Because anorexics often hide their bodies under baggy clothing their family and friends may not, initially, notice their weight loss and therefore if someone complains about feeling cold all the time it can be a warning sign that indicates that loved ones may need to watch out for food problems and support the sufferer to seek treatment.
The reasons that sufferers of anorexia often feel cold all the time is due to the fact that they have very little body fat. While too much fat is, of course, a bad thing, fat does play an important role in maintaining body temperature. This is because not only does fat act as an insulating material, protecting our bodies from fluctuations in temperature, but, when we notice that we are cold, our bodies burn fat to release energy which generates heat. This is why you will notice that people who originate from colder areas (such as the Inuit) tend to carry more fat than those who originate from warmer areas (such as a Masai for example) as people from colder climates need more fat to maintain their body temperature. Wherever you live and whatever your ethic origin you should, however, aim to ensure that your BMI (body mass index) which measures the relationship between your height and weight does not drop below 18.5 which is the lower end of the ‘normal' category.
8.You Might Be Developing Diabetes
If you have not previously felt cold all the time but you suddenly find that you just cannot get warm at all you may be developing diabetes. If you are already aware that you are diabetic you will be aware of this potential problem and know what to watch out for. Sadly due to unhealthy diet and lifestyle, Type II diabetes is on the rise in the developed world. This disease typically comes on in middle life and the early symptoms can be difficult to detect. While the most commonly known symptoms are a raging thirst and pressing need to urinate tied in with extreme tiredness some undiagnosed diabetics find that they are unable to regulate their body temperature.
Diabetes is easily dismissed by non-sufferers as a lifestyle disease that is easily managed with tablets and injections. Sadly it is much more complicated than that and left unmanaged can cause significant damage to the body and the health of the sufferer. One of the side effects of diabetes is known as diabetic nephrothapy or diabetic kidney damage which can occur when blood sugar levels are allowed to remain too high for too long. If the blood sugar levels damage the kidneys they are not able to filter the blood properly. One of the symptoms and side effects of this problem is feeling cold all the time. If you are a diagnosed diabetic and you suddenly start to notice the cold you should ask your physician to run kidney function tests. If you are not diagnosed as a diabetic it is one of the issues you should consider discussing with your doctor in order to rule out diabetes as a possible cause.
7.You Might Have Problems With Your Blood Or Blood Vessels
Your blood vessels are a vital part of your body – if they are suffering from problems then you may find that one of the symptoms can result in you feeling cold all the time. If your blood is not clotting as it should be then you might notice that you start to feel cold all the time. There are anecdotal reports from people who take Coumadin and Warfarin to reduce clotting problems that they feel cold while on the medication.
Arteriosclerosis which is a narrowing and hardening of the blood vessels can also cause coldness, particularly in the hands and feet, leading someone to feel as though they just can't get warm. The loss of health in the arteries causes the heart to be less efficient at getting blood to the extremities of the body which in turn feel cold because they are not getting enough blood that has been warmed by the core of the body. Arteries harden and become less efficient with age but arteriosclerosis can also manifest itself in younger people who live an unhealthy lifestyle. Arteriosclerosis, if left untreated, can develop into cardiovascular disease which is, of course, very serious. A doctor will be able to arrange tests to confirm whether or not you are suffering from arteriosclerosis and arrange for you to start on the best treatment regime.
6.You Might Have Cold Sensitive Skin (Pattern Of Blood Vessels)
Our skin is one of the most important organs of the body when it comes to regulating and managing body temperature. When we are in a cold environment the blood vessels near the surface of our skin contract, this prevents the blood flowing through them from cooling down. Conversely when we are in a warm environment the blood vessels near the surface of the skin dilate to increase the blood flow and causing us to sweat and therefore to cool down. This has the effect of conserving body heat (by preventing the blood from getting cold and then making our body core cold in turn) or of shedding body heat. In effect the blood vessels of our skin work like the heat exchange of a fridge or the radiator of a car.
Take a look at the wrists of a number of people. In some the blood vessels will be very obvious, in some people so obvious that it is possible to see their wrist pulse beating. In other people the vessels will be difficult to see and their pulse hard to detect even if it is strong. People whose blood vessels sit close to the surface of their skin are far more likely to feel cold and find it harder to warm their blood and therefore their body. Often, of course, how close the vessels are to the surface will be tied into how much weight or otherwise a person carries which ties in to some of the other points made in this article.
审校:飞扬 来源:前十网