日期:2016-08-06 16:44


Medical degrees are gradually losing appeal among college candidates on the Chinese mainland as none of the 36 top scorers in this year's national college entrance examination is willing to be a doctor, according to a thepaper.cn survey.
The survey shows more than 60% of the surveyed top scorers tended to choose majors related to economy, followed by management (33.33%) and philosophy (8.33%).
Agriculture, medicine and military were at the bottom, with no interest at all.


When asked about their ideal professions, more than 30 percent of the gaokao champions selected industries related to banking, bonds and capital funds. About 19 percent chose education and scientific research. Another 11 percent said they wanted to practice law.
A survey, jointly conducted by Beijing News, China's National health and family planning commission and the National Bureau of Statistics, indicates that from 2010 to 2014, 600,000 mainland citizens received qualifications to practice medicine, but only one sixth of them decided to be medical workers.
The most popular majors for top Gaokao examinees during the same period were business administration, economy, electronics and information engineering. Those who chose medicine accounted for only 1.2 percent of the total.
A medicine teacher said that besides doctor-patient relationships, income was another reason for the falling interest.
Medical degrees, which usually take a longer time to complete than other majors, bring incomes that hardly match the heavy workload, according to a report.
