里约奥运会各国队服大PK 咱们还是番茄炒蛋
日期:2016-08-04 13:25


We imagine that when traditional Georgian clothing manufacturer Samoseli Pirveli got a call to designthe look of the nation's Olympians for the opening ceremony, the brand must have thought it was a career high-point.

当格鲁吉亚的传统服饰制造商Samoseli Pirveli奉命为国家队制造开幕式服装的时候,我们本以为这个品牌将迎来事业的巅峰。

However, many Georgians did not agree. So much so that more than 6,000 have now signed an onlinepetition, against the firm's designs for the Georgian national team.


The company got off lightly compared to Mahnaz Armin who came up with the original design for Iran.Such has been the backlash that Iranian officials say they will re-design their team's opening ceremony outfits after the outcry over its "poor design".

这家格鲁吉亚公司与Mahnaz Armin比起来显得还算好,后者一手炮制了伊朗队服的原设计,而这个设计的反响真的太差,以至于在“实在太难看”的声浪之下,伊朗官方宣布他们将重新设计奥运开幕式的队服。

This widely-shared meme likens the uniforms to Pelikan erasers. One of those drawing the comparison was the prominent actor and presenter, Rambod Javan. He put the picture on Instagram in a post which received more than 130,000 likes. It came with the caption: "A great well done to our officials for their choice of designer. Our athletes make lots of effort and gain glory but they are sent to the Olympics in such way."

这张传播甚广的meme把伊朗的队服和Pelikan橡皮做了对比。而宣传这个类比的人就包括著名的演员兼制片人Rambod Javan。他把这张图放上了Instagram并获得了13万多个点赞。他给图片配的文字是:“咱们的官员们选的设计师真是太棒了。我们的运动员付出了那么多心血,赢得了那么多荣誉,结果却要穿成这样去奥运会。”
