粉碎12个食物谣言 从三秒规则到睡前能否吃芝士
日期:2016-08-02 10:52


Almost half of us think food can only be frozen the day we buy it – and 38% think you can’t refreeze cooked meat.


According to a new poll for the Food Standards Agency (FSA), there is widespread confusion around the safety of frozen food as households waste the equivalent of about six meals a week. And it’s not just frozen food we get in a pickle about – more than two thirds of those surveyed by the FSA had thrown food away in the past month, including bread, fruit, vegetables and leftover meals which probably would have been fine.


So, it seems, when it comes to food myths, we all could do with learning a few home truths. Here top nutritionist Juliette Kellow takes us through what’s really true when it comes to food no nos and what’s just an old wives’ tale...


1 MYTH: Eating celery burns more calories than you take in


TRUTH: Bad news for dieters: celery does not contain “negative” calories, meaning you won’t burn fat the more you eat.


But, with just two calories per stalk and it being a good source of fibre, it’s a great snack to munch on if you’re trying to control your weight.


2 MYTH: Frozen and canned fruits and vegetables are less nutritious than fresh ones


TRUTH: Fruit and veg that are to be canned or frozen are usually processed very quickly after they’ve been picked. This means they retain most of their vitamins and minerals. In contrast, many ‘fresh’ fruit and veg may have travelled long distances, been stored for some time, and then spent days on the supermarket shelves and in your kitchen, during which time, many nutrients such as vitamin C and folate (a B vitamin) will have been lost.

真相:事实上恰恰相反!工厂往往都在蔬果采摘后的极短时间内加工制成罐头或速冻果蔬。这意味着这些果蔬保留了大部分的维他命和矿物质。 而所谓的“新鲜”果蔬可能经过了长途运输,在仓库里储存了一段时间,又在超市货架上存置了几日,在你买回家后,又在厨房呆了些时日。等到你食用时,这些果蔬中的许多营养物质,诸如维生素C和叶酸(维生素B的一种)业已流失。

3 MYTH: Raw carrots are more nutritious than cooked ones


TRUTH: Cooking actually increases carrots’ nutritional value because their tough cellular walls are broken down in the process, allowing the body better access to beta-carotene, which the body uses to make vitamin A.


Adding a little fat to them also helps the body to absorb beta-carotene, so roasting in a little olive oil is a great way to serve them.


4 MYTH: Eggs should be avoided because of their high cholesterol content


TRUTH: For years the humble egg has been considered a health risk due to its high cholesterol content – but health experts now know that the cholesterol in food has little impact on our blood cholesterol (unless we have a genetic condition that predisposes us to high cholesterol).


Instead, it’s high intakes of saturated fats that increase the cholesterol in our blood, putting us at risk of heart disease.


Eggs are also a good source of inexpensive, high quality protein – great if you’re a vegetarian – as well as many other nutrients including zinc, iron and vitamin D.


5 MYTH: Feed a cold, starve a fever


TRUTH: There’s no medical reason to limit foods when you’re feverish – but you might have less of an appetite meaning you can’t tolerate many foods. The raised temperature with a fever actually increases your metabolic rate, which burns more calories, so it actually becomes more important to take in extra calories.


The priority though should be making sure you drink plenty – all the sweating that goes with a fever means your losing more fluid than normal and so can quickly become dehydrated.


6 MYTH: Gluten free foods are healthier


TRUTH: Unless you have coeliac disease (just 1% of the population) there is no need to reach for the pricey gluten-free options in the supermarket.


In fact, a lot of gluten-free products are much higher in fat, salt and sugar.


Meanwhile, if you think you may have the condition, giving up gluten will simply make it much harder for you to get a proper diagnosis.


7 MYTH: Red meat is bad for you


TRUTH: Red meat is rich in protein and a variety of vitamins and minerals.


But you still shouldn’t each too much as studies show that eating large amounts increases the risk of bowel cancer.


The Department of Health recommends a maximum of 70g of red or processed meat each day, with the emphasis on eating more fresh meat. Swap to fish and chicken.


8 MYTH: The three-second rule


TRUTH: Sorry, but that strawberry you just dropped on the kitchen floor becomes contaminated with bacteria within milliseconds so that three-second rule is useless.


Just give it a good wash under the tap.


9 MYTH: Sugar causes kids to be giddy


TRUTH: There’s no evidence that sugar causes children to become hyperactive.


But regularly eating sugary foods and drinks is proven to increase the risk of tooth decay and large amounts have been linked to obesity in both children and adults.


Sugary drinks in particular are thought to result in bigger weight gains and make us more prone to getting type 2 diabetes.


Children aged four to six should have no more than 5tsp free sugars a day, and six to 10 year old, a maximum of 6tsp.


10 MYTH: Cheese gives you nightmares


TRUTH: There’s no science to support the idea that cheese – or any other food – gives us nightmares.


Cheese is however, high in saturated fat and that may affect your cholesterol levels!


11 MYTH: Mixing drinks gives you a worse hangover


TRUTH: Your head’s pounding, your mouth is dry and you can’t remember how you got home. And then you recall that vodka shot, followed by a bottle of beer... and a red wine nightcap.


But mixing drinks doesn’t actually make you more drunk, or give you a worse hangover. It’s all down to the total amount of ethanol (the proper name for alcohol) you have consumed.


And don’t fall for the ‘hair of the dog’ either – it’s a myth that will simply prolong the agony as your body has to process yet more booze!


12 MYTH: Don’t reheat rice


TRUTH: Uncooked rice can contain spores of a bacterium called Bacillus cereus. The bacteria themselves are killed by heat, but the spores can survive the cooking proves, and so if left at room temperature after cooking can grow into bacteria, which multiply and cause toxins that lead to sickness and diarrhoea.


That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy leftover rice. Once it’s cooked, cool it within an hour, then pop in a sealed container in the fridge for a maximum of one day.


When reheating, make sure it’s steaming hot throughout – and do not reheat more than once.


  • varietyn. 多样,种类,杂耍
  • nutritiousadj. 有营养的,滋养的
  • populationn. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数
  • evidencen. 根据,证据 v. 证实,证明
  • starvevi. 挨饿,受饿,(将要)饿死 vt. 使挨饿,使饿死
  • particularadj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的 n. 个别项目
  • toleratevt. 容忍,忍受
  • retainvt. 保持,保留; 记住
  • proteinn. 蛋白质
  • qualityn. 品质,特质,才能 adj. 高品质的