It's notoriously hard to tell what guys are thinking, in regards to the takeout you picked for dinner or what he sees for your future as a couple. But if he thinks these 4 things are true about the two of you, he probably believes your relationship has real, long-term potential.
很难知道男生们对下列问题的看法:有关晚餐外卖吃什么,亦或他对未来你们是对夫妻的看法 。但如果他认为你俩都共同拥有下列四项时,他会认为你们的关系有潜在的长期可能性 。
1. You have the same goals. It's important that you both see yourselves starting a family together (or not), or living in the suburbs, or backpacking across the world. Being on the same page is going to be way more important in the long run. It's way more important than both of you being super into Twenty One Pilots or both having surprisingly similar Netflix recommendations. You can always buy two TVs if you hate the same shows, but you can't go off and have a second secret family if your partner doesn't want one. I mean, you can, but that's really unhealthy.
1. 你们的目标相同:你们对以下问题看法一致是十分重要的:共同组建(或不组建)家庭、生活在郊区或者是背包环游全世界 。长期看来,看法一致尤为重要 。相对于你们俩都超级喜欢Twenty One Pilots乐队或者对Netflix的评价惊人的相似而言,看法一致更为重要 。如果你们俩喜欢的电视节目不一样,你们可以买两个电视,但如果你的另一半不想组建家庭,你是不可以离开他秘密与他人组建家庭的 。我的意思是,当然你可以这样做,但这样是不健康的 。
2. They understand what you need from them and when. It's less about being kind and caring, and more about knowing when to be kind and caring. Maybe if you're upset, you'd rather be alone than have your partner in your face trying to help. Your partner needs to be respectful of your emotional boundaries and needs (and vice versa). Understanding each other's nuances goes a long way, especially if you're not always vocal about what you really need.
2. 他们知道你什么时候需要他,以及需要什么 。这不是关于对人友善,关心他人,而是关于知道何时友善、何时关心他人 。也许在你难过时,你宁愿独自待着,也不希望另一半在你面前试着安慰你 。你的另一半应该尊重你的情感界限和需求(反之亦然) 。了解彼此的细微需求是要很长时间的,尤其当你对自己真正想要的东西含糊其辞时更是如此 。
3. You've already been through the tough times. No relationship needs a trial by fire, but if you've helped each other through some of the darker moments, you already know that even at your worst, your relationship is stable.
3. 你们都经历过艰难的时光 。没有哪一种恋爱关系是需要考验的,但如果你们互帮互助度过了黑暗的日子,那么你就会知道即使是在你最不堪的时候,你们的感情也是十分稳定的 。
4. You know how to fight, but you also know how to make up. Bottling up your feelings to avoid a fight is easy, but it's going to be awful in the long term. Having lots of fights isn't bad, as long as you know how to make up afterward.
4. 你知道如何争吵,但你也知道该如何收场 。抑制自己的情感以避免吵架是件易事,但长此以往却十分糟糕 。总是吵架也不是件坏事,只要你知道事后该如何弥补就行了 。