When I meet the candidate, my first thought is, "Please do well." Passing the one-and-a-half-hour test is not just about them acquiring a licence; it means a job. Having to fail a trainee is unpleasant, but the public need to be protected from unsuitable drivers. I'm assessing the candidates as soon as I meet them. Is English their first language or do I need to give instructions a little more carefully? Are they obviously nervous and do they need a few friendly words before we start? Are they a bit cocky? Often another sign of nerves. I want them to be as settled as possible, so they can deliver their best performance.
Their ability is apparent early on. Sometimes I cringe at the lack of awareness of problems they're causing other road users. I don't intervene unless there's imminent danger. I once used the emergency brake to prevent a near collision; the trainee promptly abandoned the bus and marched off across fields, never to be seen again.
Even when a driver is doing well, there's a danger of them losing concentration. I need to stay alert to make a fair assessment. Was that bump the kerb, or just a drain cover? Has the driver noticed the flashing red lights at the level crossing ahead, or will he try to race the barriers? Sometimes, my presence makes the candidate unduly hesitant in tricky situations. When I say, "What would you do if I wasn't here?" it usually helps them.
About 80% of the tests are clear-cut passes or fails, making the decision easy. The rest are harder to call. I'm thinking, "Would I like a member of my family to be a passenger on your bus?"