If you analyze your life, you will see that it has completely changed over the past twelve months. You have matured as an individual, and your actions have only been beneficial to yourself and those around you. Try to make changes as often as you can. You can't stop now! You need to feel that your life is evolving all the time. There is no time to rest!
如果对你的生活进行一番分析,你会发现在过去12个月内,你的生活已发生了天翻地覆的变化 。你已成为一个成熟的个体,你所做之事也只会让自己和身边人受益 。尽可能多的做些尝试 。现在你不能停下来!你需要感受到你的生活一直在变 。没有时间休息!
Your well being horoscope
Today you could be inspired to speak or write in an eloquent way. The energy of the day will heighten your communication talents. You might write up a persuasive report or a colorful personal document. You'll impress others as you choose just the right words. If you have to give a speech or a presentation before a group today, your wit will shine through. You might want to include some clever anecdotes to make people laugh!
今天你受到鼓舞,说话或写作时会很有说服力 。今天的能量将会提升你的沟通才能 。你可能会写出一份十分具有说服力的报道或一份多彩的个人文档 。只要你说话得当,就能给别人留下十分深刻的映像 。如果你今天必须在一组人面前发表演讲或进行展示,那么你的智慧会"闪瞎"所有人 。你也可以在演讲中说一些诙谐的轶事,能让大家捧腹大笑 。
Your love horoscope
Today there are many areas that you can shine in. You need only be yourself to win over the hearts of others. There is a graciousness to your manner that draws people close to you, whether you've ever noticed it before or not. Realize this, and know that it is not a fluke. You need not take much action; it will come to you.
今天你会在很多领域闪闪发光 。做自己你就能赢得他人的喜爱 。你的举止中带着优雅,使得人们想靠近你,不管你之前注意到没有 。要意识到这一点,要知道这并不是侥幸 。你需要采取很多行动;爱情会到来的 。
Your career horoscope
Creative projects of some kind, which you may have been working on for a while, could prove especially ego boosting, as you're probably doing a great job. A change of employment and an increase in income may be in the works. If you don't feel particularly passionate about what you're doing now, expect an opportunity to become involved in an enterprise that you do feel strongly about. New ideas and new opportunities could change your life today.
也许你已经从事某类创造性项目有段时间了,由于你工作很出色,所以这类项目也让你提升了自我 。你可能正在计划换个工作或者要求加薪 。如果你对你现在的工作不是那么的充满激情,那么期待着你能在另一家公司释放活力的机会吧 。今天新的想法和机会可能会改变你的生活 。