中英双语话中国民风民俗 第75期:重阳节登高
日期:2016-07-25 16:51



Mountain Climbing in the Double Ninth Day
Autumn is the best season to climb mouhtains, as the weather is pleasant,the sky clear and the air crisp. People revel in the beautiful autumn scenes,and enjoy the fresh air and warm sunshine. As a fxistime,mountain climbing is good for keying fit. The fragrant cornel can be used as herbal medicine. It may not possess the magic to exorcise evil spirits, but it does repel mosquitoes. That is why mountain climbers often carry a bundle of the plant.

  • repelvt. 排斥,抵触,使反感
  • exorcisevt. 除怪,驱邪
  • fragrantadj. 芬香的,馥郁的
  • revelvi. 狂欢作乐,陶醉 n. 作乐,狂欢
  • possessvt. 持有,支配