Geert Wilders, leader of the Eurosceptic Freedom Party, was among the first to congratulate his colleagues across the North Sea for securing their "Independence Day".
There are shared concerns about European immigration and Brussels bureaucracy among the Dutch electorate. And yet, "Nexit" is by no means inevitable.
In fact, according to the rules of the Advisory Referendum Act there is no legal possibility of holding a vote on the Netherlands' membership of the EU. Referendums can cover only new legislation and treaties, and are only advisory.
The only way to hold a Nexit vote would be to change existing legislation, and that is only likely to happen if Mr Wilders wins elections next year.
Most recent polls suggest a slight majority of voters oppose the idea of an in-out Nexit vote.
"We don't see the EU as a threat as a big imperial monster, we see it as something you can negotiate with," says Hans Steketee, editor of the NRC Handelsblad newspaper. "It's like Brussels sprouts, you might not like them but you eat them because you know they're good for you. My gut feeling is that people will say: 'Oh well, if this is what happens after Brexit we should definitely think twice.'"
With eight months before the Dutch election, there is plenty of time for the tide to turn.