6 Types of Food You Should Never Eat Before A Yoga Class
Nuts and Seeds
While nuts and seeds are highly nutritious and nourishing, they are high in fat and protein and more likely to sit in the stomach while your body demands blood flow. Instead, reach for a handful of fresh raspberries, which will go down a lot easier.
尽管坚果和种子十分有营养,但它们也富含脂肪和蛋白质 。当你身体内的血液需要流动时,这些脂肪和蛋白质很有可能会待在肚子里不动 。反之,吃一些新鲜的覆盆子吧,身体更容易吸收覆盆子 。
Fried Food
We've all experienced how long it takes to digest foods like French fries or onion rings. It can take hours until we feel hungry again. If it's going to sit in the stomach, it won't be fun on the yoga mat. Get the crunch factor in before practice—minus the discomfort—with some sliced cucumber or jicama.
我们都已体验过消化像法式薯条和洋葱圈之类的食物需要多长时间 。可能距我们再次感到饥饿要几个小时 。如果这些食物停留在肚中,那我们在瑜伽垫上练习就不会感到愉悦了 。在练习之前要考虑到危机因素——排除令人感觉不舒适的食物——吃一些黄瓜片或豆薯吧 。
Cheese, even a vegan alternative, is going to be high in fat and protein, making it a food that's slow to digest. If you want to feel light and graceful in your yoga practice, say no to this one. Instead, reach for some dark chocolate (at least 65% cacao) to give you an energy boost before your practice.
奶酪,即使是素食者会选择的食物,也是富含脂肪和蛋白质的 。奶酪是一种难以消化的食物 。如果想要在瑜伽练习中感觉轻松优雅,就对奶酪说不 。反之,可以吃一些黑巧克力(至少含65%可可),黑巧克力可以在练习前增加你的能量 。
Meats and Fish
Healthy meats and fish are also high in protein, and they will take their time getting through your digestive system. As a result, you're likely to feel heavy and sluggish on the mat. In lieu of meat, try having a few rice crackers or apple slices.
有利人体健康的肉和鱼也是富含蛋白质的,需要一定的时间才能消化 。因此,在瑜伽垫上练习时会感觉自己变得笨重迟钝 。你可以吃几块饼干或苹果片,而不是吃肉 。
While avocados are normally considered a superfood, their high fat content does take longer for your gut to process, and therefore they are best served après yoga. As an alternative, go for some grapefruit slices, celery sticks, or steamed veggies.
虽然人们通常都会认为牛油果是超级食品,但牛油果脂肪含量很高,人体小肠在消化时需要更长的时间,因此应该在瑜伽练习后吃牛油果 。想要吃些代替牛油果的食物的话,可以尝试吃些柚子片,芹菜杆或是蒸熟的蔬菜 。
It's never fun to be in a forward bend with heartburn. Try a fast-digesting organic banana before your yoga practice, and get your curry after class!
胃灼热的时候练习身体向前弯曲从来都不是趣事 。瑜伽练习前吃一些可以快速消化的有机香蕉吧,练习结束后再吃咖喱!