Q. How many Lego bricks would it take to build a bridge capable of carrying traffic from London to New York? Have that many Lego bricks been manufactured?
——Jerry Petersen
A. LET'S START WITH A less ambitious goal.
Making the connection
There have certainly been enough Lego1 bricks to connect New York and London.In LEGO2 units, New York and London are 700 million studs apart. That means that if you arranged bricks like this . . .
. . . it would take 350 million of them to connect the two cities. The bridge wouldn't be able to hold itself together or carry anything bigger than a LEGO®3 minifig, but it's a start.
There have been over 400 billion Lego4 pieces produced over the years. But how many of those are bricks that would help with a bridge, and how many are little helmet visors that get lost in the carpet?
Let's assume we're building our bridge out of the most common LeGo5 piece-the 2x4 brick.
假设我们用的是最普通的2×4 LeGo5积木。
Using data provided by Dan Boger, Lego6 kit archivist and operator of the Peeron.com Lego data site, I've come up with the following rough estimate: 1 out of every 50 to 100 pieces is a 2x4 rectangular brick. This suggests there are about 5–10 billion 2x4 bricks in existence, which is more than enough for our one-block-wide bridge.
Supporting cars
Of course, if we want to support actual traffic, we'll need to make the bridge a little wider.
We probably want to make the bridge float. The Atlantic Ocean is deep,[citation needed] and we want to avoid building 3-mile-high pylons out of Lego bricks if we can.
Lego bricks don't make a watertight seal when you connect them together,7 and the plastic used to make them is denser than water. That's easy enough to solve; if we put a layer of sealant over the outer surface, the resulting block is substantially less dense than water.
For every cubic meter of water it displaces, the bridge can carry 400 kg. A typical passenger car weighs a little under 2000 kg, so our bridge will need a minimum of 10 cubic meters of Lego supporting each passenger car.
If we make the bridge a meter thick and 5 meters wide, then it should be able to stay afloat without any trouble-although it might ride low in the water-and be sturdy enough to drive on.
Legos8 are quite strong; according to a BBC investigation, you could stack a quarter of a million 2x2 bricks on top of each other before the bottom one collapsed.9
The first problem with this idea is that there aren't nearly enough Lego blocks in the world to build this kind of bridge. Our second problem is the ocean.