People dread changes – be they big or small – but changes are not as horrible as many believe. Regardless of what happened in your life, even the most drastic change can turn your life upside down.
人们都害怕改变-使他们变好或变坏-但是改变不是像许多人认为的那样可怕 。不管你的生活中发生了什么改变,哪怕是最重大的改变都会对你的生活产生影响 。
Change the quality of life
Your quality of life can either drop or increase – it all depends on you. While some people let depression rule their lives, others fight with it. Statistics show many people ruined their lives by getting into bad habits like smoking, drinking, antidepressants and drugs.They use bad habits to calm their pains, but all they do is slowly destroying their lives.
你的生活质量将变好还是变坏——完全取决于你自己 。然而有些人用消极的态度来对待自己的生活现状,另外一些人却为了改善自己的生活现状而不断奋斗 。统计资料显示许多人由于养成了一些坏习惯例如抽烟、喝酒、服用抗抑郁药和毒品而毁掉了自己的生活 。他们利用这些坏习惯来麻痹自己的伤痛,但是他们做的这一切是在慢慢地摧毁他们的生活 。
Remember we have only one life? Take advantage of a drastic change to improve your quality of life. I found a better job that has improved my finances and reduced my stress level. If I was not fired, I would not solve my financial problems. It was all for the best.
记得吗我们只有一次生命?利用一次重大改变中的有利条件来改善你的生活质量 。我找到了一份更好的工作,这份工作改善了我的经济状况同时减轻了我的压力 。如果我没有被解雇,我就不会去想办法解决我的收入问题 。现在一切都比过去好 。
Declutter your life and reduce stress
We have too many people and things that drain our energy, destroy our dreams, affect every facet of our lives and make us miserable. A drastic change can help you declutter your life and get rid of anything and anyone that bring stress and misery into your life.It is a hard process and sometimes it seems impossible to remove those you have known for ages from your life for good.
在我们的生活中会遇到很多人和事,他们会消耗我们的精力,破坏我们的梦想,影响我们生活的方方面面以及让我们很痛苦 。一个重大的改变能够帮你调整自己的生活状态同时让你摆脱任何给你生活带来压力和痛苦的人和事 。那是一个艰难的过程,有时让你永远地忘记那些你认识了很久的人似乎是不可能的 。
Drastic changes leave you no choice. If you had to move to another country (or continent) that might be a sign that you need new people in your life. If he broke up with you right before your big day, it might be better for you. Embrace any change in your life and look on the brightest side in any complicated situation. A positive attitude is one the best cures here. It is a lot easier to overcome a drastic change when you believe in a positive outcome. Just as George Bernard Shaw stated, “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
重大的改变让你不能选择 。如果你迁居到了另一个国家(或者大洲)那可能是个信号意味着在你的生活中需要认识一些新的朋友 。如果在你有重大活动的日子之前他和你分手了,那样可能对你更好 。去拥抱你生命中所有的改变,面对任何复杂的情形都要去看最好的一面 。积极的态度是解决问题最好的方式 。当你相信结果会是很乐观的时候,战胜一次重大的改变将会更加容易 。正如萧伯纳所说:“没有改变,不可能进步 。那些无法改变自己想法的人,什么事情也改变不了 。”