A dog's highly sensitive nose can tell it a lot about the people it meets. Medical studies show that dogs can detect at least some kinds of cancer in humans.
Properly trained dogs can detect lung cancer and breast cancer simply by sniffing a person's breath. Dogs have been documented being able to sniff a skin lesion and tell whether it's a skin cancer melanoma. The dogs are detecting changes in the skin chemistry where the lesions occur. With patients suffering lung and breast cancers, the dogs smell biochemical markers in their breath. Scientists explain that cancer cells give off different waste products than do other cells, and to a dog's keen nose, those products have a noticeable smell. At their 2014 annual meeting, members of the American Urological Association heard the results of a study that found that trained dogs are 98 percent accurate at detecting prostate cancer by smelling urine samples. Dogs also are being used to detect ovarian cancer by smelling "volatile organic compounds". Does this mean that the next time you go for a physical, your doctor is likely to have you screened by a dog? Probably not. But since early detection can be so crucial in surviving cancer, scientists continue to study dogs' ability to sniff out cancer. How does this gift work? How extensive is it? Can it be duplicated with medical instruments? Research in this area is ongoing.
Many people with epilepsy and other conditions rely on seizure-response dogs. Trained as service dogs, these dogs can alert parents when a child has a seizure. They might use a call button or special phone to call for help. They can guard a person having a seizure, protecting the person from injury and even removing objects that might cause harm. They might roll the person into a position in which he or she can breathe.
Some dogs take dealing with seizures a big step further, by sensing when a seizure is about to occur and warning the person, as much as 10 or 20 minutes before the seizure. Estimates are that 10 to 15 per cent of trained dogs can sense when a seizure is about to happen. Sometimes, a dog becomes able to detect an oncoming seizure after having lived with a person as a seizure-response dog for several months. Scientists aren't sure what the dogs sense. One theory is that a person about to have a seizure has changes in blood or other body chemistry that a dog's highly sensitive nose can smell. A dog might sense a sudden spike in temperature that precedes a stroke. Another theory is that a dog's detail-oriented vision can detect small changes in the person's movements, changes that humans – even the person about to have the seizure – does not notice. However it works, the dog's warning can alert the person in time to get to a safe place, take medication and/or let others know that he or she might soon need help.
3.Human Fear
"Don't let the dog know you're afraid," most of us were warned as children. The idea was that if the dog knew we were afraid, it would take advantage of our fear by becoming more aggressive.
But is it true that dogs can sense fear? The answer is yes, if you don't get too literal. As far as anyone knows, dogs don't have eerie supernatural powers. There's a scientific explanation for most of the amazing things dogs can sense. Often, that explanation has to do with the dog's nose, its No. 1 way of understanding the world. Dogs have many more scent receptors in their noses than humans do, and their receptors are sensitive to more smells. Some estimates are that dogs' sense of smell is millions of times keener than ours. So, a dog may not read your mind and think fear, but it can smell what happens in your body when you're afraid. Humans sweat when we're stressed. And if we're frightened, our bodies release adrenaline. Our blood starts pumping faster, and we emit pheromones, or chemical molecules that float through the air. Dogs can smell all these fear-triggered human responses. Dogs' eyes are a secondary sense for them. Because they don't depend upon their eyes for their primary understanding of the world, they pay more attention to individual details than humans do, rather than processing an entire scene. That means that they detect small signals — facial expressions, tensing, varied gait — that tell them we are afraid. If you're afraid, a dog will know through smells and visual hints. Whether that means the dog will become aggressive depends upon the dog and the situation.
2.Human Sadness
Anyone who's had a canine best friend knows that dogs are attuned to human emotions. If you're sad, your dog will put its head on your knee or snuggle up. It might whine and give you a friendly lick.
Dogs also seem to sense emotions in people they don't know. Take a dog into a nursing home or children's hospital, and it will find those who need cheering up. Is there a biological explanation for dogs' ability to read human emotions, or is the empathy a natural result of how closely dogs and humans live these days? The answer is a combination of the two. The relatively new field of canine neuroscience investigates the workings of a dog's brain. In February 2014, the results of a study by a team of Hungarian researchers were published in the journal Current Biology and reported in popular news media. Using fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), the scientists found that dogs' brains have a small part dedicated to detecting emotions in the voices of humans and other dogs. Humans have a similar brain part that enables them to sense emotions from human sounds, regardless of words. Their findings led the scientists to believe that dogs can tell by the sound of a voice when a person is sad. (There's a fascinating side story about how the scientists got 11 dogs to enter a scanner and stay still.) Is there more to the story than detecting the sounds of voices? Probably so. In 2004, a Harvard scientists said that his research showed that over the centuries of living closely with and depending upon humans, dogs have adapted genetically, developing a keen ability to read human emotions and intentions. Whatever the explanation, there's nothing like a sympathetic pooch to lift the spirits.
1.Baby on the Way
Can a dog sense when a woman is about to go into labor?
Without a doubt, dogs can tell when a woman is pregnant, partly because they can smell changes in the woman's body as her hormones shift. Later in pregnancy, a dog will sense changes in the way a woman moves, as well as changes in her emotions. If a dog is around when the woman's water breaks, it will be able to smell the amniotic fluid. If a dog is present when a woman is in labor, it will surely be aware of whatever she's doing and saying. Those are all fairly obvious. But will a dog know when labor is about to start, before it actually does? Many women say their dog could tell. Visit the comments section on websites for expectant moms, and you'll see plenty of testimonials about how Buster got protective or anxious hours before his mistress went into labor. The answer may simply be that because dogs live so closely with their humans, a dog can sense emotional changes when a woman's labor is about to start. Also, dogs, with their keen attention to visual clues, may sense subtle physical movements that the woman may not be aware of. Some people suspect that the anecdotes have more to do with a woman recalling what happened shortly before she went into labor, much as we recall where we were or what was happening when we learned dramatic news. But who knows? Some dogs can tell when a person with diabetes is about to have a serious drop in blood sugar, or when a person is about to have a seizure. Is it far-fetched to think there might be some small physical change in a woman hours before labor beings, something that humans can't detect but dogs can?
审校:哎呀 编辑:JK 来源:前十网