Few things are as refreshing as a cold glass of lemonade on a hot summer day. Here, we shake things up with five new, flavorful ways to make this warm-weather drink.
在炎热的夏天里没有什么能比一杯冰镇柠檬水更解暑了 。今天,我们将用五种崭新的方式制作出这个温暖季节最可口的饮品 。
1.Classic Fair-Style Lemonade (makes 1 large glass): In a cocktail shaker, place 2 tablespoons sugar, the juice of 2 lemons, 1 cup cold water and 4 or 5 ice cubes. Put the top on and shake the mixture vigorously to combine the ingredients and dissolve the sugar. Serve over ice.
1.传统的柠檬水(制作一大杯):在一个鸡尾酒调制器里,放入两大汤匙的糖、两个柠檬榨的汁、一杯冰水和4到5块的冰块 。盖上盖子用力摇动以使这些食材能够完全混合同时糖也能够完全溶解 。加上冰块饮用 。
2.Honey-Blueberry Lemonade (makes 1 large glass): In a large glass, muddle 2 tablespoons honey with ½ cup blueberries to combine. Add the juice of 2 lemons and 1 cup cool water. Stir well to combine. Serve over ice.
2.蜂蜜-蓝莓柠檬水(制作一大杯):在一个大玻璃杯里,将两大汤匙的蜂蜜和二分之一杯的蓝莓进行混合 。再加上两个柠檬榨的汁和一杯冰水 。搅拌使其完全均匀混合 。加上冰块饮用 。
3.Strawberry-Basil Lemonade (makes 1 large glass): In a cocktail shaker, muddle 2 tablespoons sugar with ¾ cup quartered strawberries and 2 small sprigs of basil. Add the juice of 2 lemons and 1 cup cool water. Put the top on and shake the mixture vigorously to combine the ingredients and dissolve the sugar. Serve over ice.
3.草莓-罗勒柠檬水(制作一大杯):在一个鸡尾酒调制器里,放入两大汤匙的糖、四分之三杯的草莓以及两小枝的罗勒叶 。再加入两个柠檬榨的汁和一杯冰水 。盖上盖子用力摇动以使这些食材能够完全混合同时糖也能够完全溶解 。加上冰块饮用 。
4.Coconut-Mint Lemonade (makes 1 large glass): In a cocktail shaker, muddle 2 tablespoons sugar with 2 small sprigs of mint. Add the juice of 2 lemons, ¾ cup cool water and ⅓ cup coconut milk. Put the top on and shake the mixture vigorously to combine the ingredients and dissolve the sugar. Serve over ice.
4.椰子-薄荷柠檬水(制作一大杯):在一个鸡尾酒调制器里,放入两大汤匙的糖以及两小枝的薄荷叶 。再加入两个柠檬榨的汁、四分之三杯的冰水以及三分之一杯的椰奶 。盖上盖子用力摇动以使这些食材能够完全混合同时糖也能够完全溶解 。加上冰块饮用 。
5.Green Tea Lemonade (makes 1 large glass): In a small bowl, combine 2 tablespoons sugar with 2 teaspoons matcha powder (aka green tea powder) and ¼ cup warm water. Stir until the sugar dissolves. Transfer to a large glass and stir in the juice of 2 lemons and 1 cup cold water. Stir until well combined. Serve over ice.
5.绿茶柠檬水(制作一大杯):在一个小碗里,放入两大汤匙的糖和两茶匙的抹茶粉(或者绿茶粉)并加入四分之一杯的温水进行混合 。一直搅拌到糖能够完全溶解 。然后换到一个大玻璃杯里再加入两个柠檬榨的汁和一杯冰水然后进行搅拌 。一直搅拌到完全均匀混合 。加上冰块饮用 。