With the British pound taking a hit following the Brexit vote, Chinese travelers are making the best of the situation and snapping up tour packages to Britain.
The Shanghai Spring Tour said many tourists booked tours to Britain after the vote result was announced, with many of them keen to buy pound as well.
Almost all tour packages this summer to Britain have been sold out, it said.
"I was thinking of a holiday destination because my 13-year-old daughter will have her summer vacation soon. I had almost decided on Japan but now I think Britain may be a good idea because it may be cheaper," said Cherry Xiao, a local white collar worker.
上海当地一名名叫Cherry Xiao的白领工作者表示:“我一直在考虑度假的目的地,因为我13岁的女儿很快就要开始她的暑假了。我几乎已经决定了前往日本,但现在我认为去英国可能是一个好主意,因为可能会更便宜。”
Online travel operator Ctrip said it noticed a sharp jump in clicks on its website on tours to the UK.
The depreciation of pound will cut the expenditure of Chinese tourists traveling to Britain, a boon for those who like shopping, said another online travel operator Tongcheng.
Ctrip said the new two-year multiple entry visa policy implemented by Britain has also helped attract the Chinese travelers.