Chinese Thought of Health
The Chinese regard health,in a universe of constant changes,as a state of balance established between the body and the natural world as well as between the different components of the body itself.
The Chinese believe that illness occurs when this balance is disturbed.
Those illnesses caused by heat or“overfullness” are“yang diseases”; those caused by cold or“deficiency” are “yin diseases”.
The task of the physician,as one early medical text puts it, it simply to“eliminate overfullness and make up deficiency”,thus restoring the body to balance; or, better still,to keep his
The human body is thought of as a system for dealing with vital energy,and to a traditional Chinese doctor all that needs to be done to patient healthy enough to resist the effect of any destabilizing factor outside the body.Intervene in the body's workings can be done either through the administration of drugs or herbs or through manipulation at the surface of the body.