There's an old puzzle, from before the daysof cell phones, that goes something like this:
Suppose you're meeting a friend in anAmerican town that neither of you have been to before. You don't have a chanceto plan a meeting place beforehand. Where do you go?
The author of the puzzle suggested that thelogical solution would be to go to the town's main post office and wait at themain receiving window, where out-of-town packages arrive. His logic was thatit's the only place that every town in the US has exactly one of, and whicheveryone would know where to find.
To me, that argument seems a little weak.More importantly, it doesn't hold up experimentally. I've asked that questionto a number of people, and none of them suggested the post office. The originalauthor of that puzzle would be waiting in the mailroom alone.
Our lost immortals have it tougher, sincethey don't know anything about the geography of the planet they're on.
Following the coastlines seems like asensible move. Most people live near water, and it's much faster to searchalong a line than over a plane. If your guess turns out to be wrong, you won'thave wasted much time compared to having searched the interior first.
Walking around the average continent wouldtake about five years, based on typical width-to-coastline-length ratios forEarth land masses.
Let's assume you and the other person areon the same continent. If you both walk counterclockwise, you could circleforever without finding each other. That's no good.
A different approach would be to make acomplete circle counterclockwise, then flip a coin. If it comes up heads,circle counterclockwise again. If tails, go clockwise. If you're both followingthe same algorithm, this would give you a high probability of meeting within afew circuits.
The assumption that you're both using thesame algorithm is probably optimistic. Fortunately, there's a better solution:Be an ant.